
Study Finds Governments Using Markets to Save Species

Ecosystem Marketplace says properly structured mitigation programs result in creating natural habitat that is larger than the area affected by development and potentially better integrated into the regional ecosystem.

Supreme Court Refuses to Hear SSM Exemption Case

The high court's action will let stand an appellate court decision to end the "startup, shutdown, and malfunction" exemption for industrial facilities.

Team Completions Requests Waste Injection Well Permit

EPA seeks comment on the company's request to dispose of leachate in a Michigan underground injection well.

CAA 2010 Targets Mercury, SO2, and NOx

Sen. Carper hopes to end court challenges with the Clean Air Act Amendments of 2010 and provide electric utilities with certainty and predictability about the future and energy investments.

boulder at night

UW Study Finds Nitryl Chloride Away from Coastline

The University of Washington research says chloride atoms can contribute to smog formation in coastal areas but finding them inland was a bit of a surprise.

Senate Bill Seeks to Halt EPA Action on Greenhouse Gases

Bill sponsor Sen. Jay Rockefeller says two-year suspension will protect jobs and the coal industry.

food scraps

Serving Up Energy and Compost from Organic Waste

Waste separation, community buy-in, and high solids anaerobic digestion are key ingredients in turning table scraps and yard debris into a renewable resource recipe.

EPA Calls Superfund Cleanup Progress 'Significant'

The agency used stimulus funds to speed cleanup at 51 sites in FY2009 and oversaw more than 368 emergency response and removal actions.

Railroad Company to Pay $4 M for 2005 Chlorine Spill

Norfolk Southern Railway allegedly violated CWA and CERCLA, and the incident resulted in nine deaths in Graniteville, S.C.

Chemical Signatures Track Contaminants in Fish, Maybe People

The University of Michigan led a study exploring the sources of mercury to ocean fish.

Study: Maurepas Swamp, Marshes Dying for Lack of Fresh Water

A Southeastern Louisiana University study says that fresh water, either from the Mississippi River or other sources, is needed to sustain the second largest coastal forest in the state.

IDC Wins $7,000 Grant for Energy Optimization Research

A Missouri University of Science and Technology student-run company recently received a U.S. Environmental Protection Agency grant to study how to optimize home energy usage.

Satellite Data Provides Better Estimate of Glacier Melt, Study Says

French-led research team recalculates rate of glacier melt in Alaska from .0067 inches to sea level rise per year to .0047 inches during the period between 1962 and 2006.

NAWC Goes to Capitol Hill March 9 and 10

Members of the National Association of Water Companies will report on their industry and seek congressional support for infrastructure legislation.

Floridians Get More Time to Comment on Water Quality Standards

EPA will schedule additional public hearings in April.

Bartlett Grain Settles Case on Pesticide Repackaging

The company will pay $14,560 and get proper authorization for repackaging pesticide products as required by the Federal Insecticide, Fungicide and Rodenticide Act.

DOE to Invest in DuPont's Macroalgae-to-Biobutanol Research

U.S. Department of Energy awards $17.7 million to DuPont and partners for next-generation biofuels.

Settlement Resolves Chlorine Spills by AES Thames Plant

The coal-fired power plant in Connecticut allegedly released sodium hypochlorite in 2006 into the Thames River.