EPA Finalizes Cleanup Strategy for Attica

EPA Finalizes Cleanup Strategy for Atticas Radio Materials Corp Site

The plan focuses on the remaining groundwater and soil contamination issues at the site.

The EPA unveiled its final cleanup plan for the former Radio Materials Corp. site at 1095 East Summit Street in Attica, Indiana. The plan will focus on addressing the remaining groundwater and soil contamination issues at the site, previously occupied by the manufacturing company.

According to a release dated Nov. 28, the strategy centers on the implementation of permeable reactive barriers designed to contain and treat the contaminated materials. The EPA's decision document further outlines a long-term monitoring scheme, which includes ongoing soil and groundwater testing required to ensure the effectiveness of the cleanup efforts.

The EPA’s plan incorporates institutional controls to regulate building use at the site and legal mechanisms to restrict the presence of contaminated soil and groundwater. Investigations identified chlorinated volatile organic compounds in the soil and groundwater, which posed a risk of vapor intrusion that might affect the air quality of nearby residential areas.

Since 2008, the EPA has actively overseen several interim measures to address the contamination. These measures included the installation of a city drinking water treatment system, a hydraulic containment and treatment system for the contaminated groundwater and vapor intrusion mitigation systems in homes located west of the facility. The hydraulic system, retired as of October 31, 2022, was replaced by the permeable reactive barrier system.

The EPA invited the public to participate in a 30-day public comment period before finalizing the plan. Responses to all comments received are included within the final decision document.

About the Author

Robert Yaniz, Jr. is the Content Editor for Environmental Protection.