


  • Mercury Control with Regenerative Activated Coke Technology

    The multi-pollutant control ReACT™ technology is a completely dry scrubbing system based on adsorption of SO2, SO3, and Hg and reduction of NOx to N2 on activated coke in a moving bed, with regeneration of the coke for return to the adsorber, and production of saleable byproduct, such as sulfuric acid, from desorbed sulfur rich gases.

  • Why Activated Carbon Makes Sense for PCB Remediation

    For about 50 years, polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) were commonly used in industrial materials including, caulking, cutting oils, inks, paints and as dielectric fluids in electrical equipment such as transformers and capacitors. Concerns over health effects led to a North American ban of manufacturing PCBs in 1977. By the mid-1980s, an initiative was started to clean up contaminated areas and to phase out PCB-containing equipment and products that were still in use. This cleanup effort continues today.

  • Adventus Field Profile

    Groundwater at an industrial site in Texas is impacted with Chlorinated Volatile Organic Carbon’s (CVOCs), primarily PCE and TCE, from historical waste disposal. The topography at the site slopes steeply towards a small channel where the groundwater discharges. Depth to groundwater ranges from approximately 20 ft bgs at the source area to 1 ft bgs close to the channel.

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