News and Articles

Cascades Antibacterial Towel Wins Edison Award

Cascades Antibacterial paper towel won Gold honors in the Edison Awards Consumer Packaged Goods: Cleaning Solutions Category.

Measuring the Floods in Illinois

Crews from the USGS are measuring the floods of rivers and streams in Illinois. It’s estimated that current conditions of the waterways are the highest levels in over 20 years for the state.

Recycling Facility Turns Wastewater into BioFuel

BlackGold Biofuels opened up a new facility in North Carolina, where wastewater will be converted into biofuel. Though it is common practice for cooking oils to be recycled into biofuels, transforming wastewater into biofuel is a more transient feat and not as common.

George W. Bush Presidential Center Obtained LEED Platinum Certification

During today’s dedication ceremony of the George W. Bush Presidential Library and Museum, President Bill Clinton mentioned that the new library has already obtained a platinum LEED certification, which makes the facility the first presidential library to achieve such a certification as a new construction.

New Product Line of Bumble Bee Foods Will Support World Wildlife Fund

Wild Selections, a new line of Marine Stewardship Council (MSC) certified products has been launched by Bumble Bee Foods, and a portion of the sales will go to the World Wildlife Fund (WWF) in support of protecting marine life and promoting sustainable fishing practices.

Ohio EPA Receives Bronze Recognition for Environmental Efforts

The State Electronics Challenge has awarded the Ohio EPA a bronze recognition for its efforts in decreasing the environmental footprint of its computer equipment.

How Pesticides Affect Reproduction of Aquatic Organisms

In a new study conducted by the North Carolina State University, researchers have found that pesticide exposure can affect the reproduction abilities of “water fleas”, causing them to produce more male offspring and creating reproductive issues in females.

Energy Star National Building Competition Winner Announced

An elementary school in New Jersey has been named the winner of the third-annual Energy Star National Building Competition by the EPA.

Smith & Associates Unveils Innovative Trade Floor Green Renovation in Time for Earth Day

Smith’s “Thinking Green” initiative incorporates sustainable concepts into trade floor renovation and floor plan.

National Parks Reduce Waste by Nearly 1/3 and Promote Tap Water for Earth Day

For Earth Day, the National Park Service (NPS) released a status report on its Green Parks Plan. The report found parks have diverted 28 percent of municipal solid waste since 2007 thanks in part to a growing number of parks halting the sale of bottled water.

Coca Cola is Helping Green the World

The Coca-Cola Foundation awarded more than 27 Sustainability Initiatives grant in the U.S. in 2012 and is already preparing for a “Greener” 2013.

iOS Game Tilt World Celebrates Earth Day with Free Player Challenge

To celebrate Earth Day this year, Tilt World 1.8, is going free and offering double points, which will allow players to plant twice as many real trees, for Earth Day through the end of April.

Emerson Chosen for Innovative Waste to Energy Gasification Facility in France

Emerson’s Ovation expert control system provides flexible and accurate control of a powerful biomass gasification plant in France.

Russian Refinery Selects GE Wastewater Treatment System for Pilot Test

Discharged water at a Russian refinery will be able to meet strict regulations for limits of chemical oxygen demand in river by using GE’s ZeeWeed wastewater treatment technology to reduce freshwater consumption.

This Earth Day, Make Cellphone Recycling Second Nature

This Earth Day, Make Cellphone Recycling Second Nature

The EPA estimates that there are 141 million mobile devices at end-of-life, but only 11.7 of those will be recycled.

Construction Completed on Largest Solar Plant in Africa

A construction project worth almost $32 million for a 15-megawatt solar photovoltaic (PV) power plant in the Islamic Republic of Mauritania has been launched by Masdar, Abu Dhabi’s renewable energy company.

Congress Gets Low Grade by OSCA

In OSCA’s second report card, federal government administrative agencies, oil companies and their industry associations, and Congress were all given a grade on how they each worked to implement the recommendations set up by the Commission.

EPA Reaches Cleanup Agreement at New Jersey Superfund Site

The EPA has reached a settlement with SL Industries, Inc. and SL Surface Technologies, Inc. for soil cleanup, groundwater protection, and to reimburse the EPA’s costs at the Puchack Well Field Superfund site in Pennsauken Township, New Jersey.

An Upcoming Plan to Help Kansas with Wastewater and Stormwater Overflows

The U.S. Department of Justice and the EPA have approved a decree that will give the Unified Government (UG) of Wyandotte County/Kansas City, Kan., four years to develop a sustainable plan and implementation schedule for integrated overflow control.

Ford Foundation Supports Global Environmental Leaders

Ford Foundation Supports Global Environmental Leaders

IFP has provided access to higher education to over 4,000 people from marginalized communities in 22 countries on their paths to social change, including many who are spearheading innovative solutions to our global environmental problems.