News and Articles

Mediterranean Coastline is Tough to Preserve Because of Uncontrolled Development

Representatives of Mediterranean countries, participating in Mare Nostrum's opening event, emphasized the need to bridge the differences between countries and municipal authorities on how to implement ICZM principles.

Argentina Produces Two Marine Protected Areas

Two coastal have been created in Patagonia, Argentina to help safeguard sea lions, penguins, dolphins, and other sea life.

U.S. Cities with Most Energy Star Buildings

A list of U.S. metropolitan areas with the most Energy Star certified buildings in 2012 has been released by the EPA. Atlanta, Chicago, Los Angeles, New York, and Washington, D.C. ranked in the top five.

Biomass Research Collaboration to Improve Biofuel Efficiency

A biochemical engineer at the Kansas State University is part of a national collaboration that is working to advance biomass as a leading source for more efficient bio-power, drop-in biofuels, and animal feed.

Removal of 65 Dams to Restore Rivers in 2012

In 2012, more than 400 miles of streams were restored for the benefit of fish, wildlife, and people across the country. This restoration was completed by communities, non-profit organizations, and state and federal agencies in 19 states.

The Fukushima Nuclear Disaster: Two Years Later

It’s been two years since the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear disaster that happened as a result of the Tohoku earthquake and tsunami on March 11, 2011. Since that time, biologist Tim Mousseau of the University of South Carolina’s College of Arts and Sciences discusses some of the consequences the area faces as a result of the radiation exposure.

Progress of Norristown Brownfields Recognized

The EPA has recognized Norristown, Pa. for the state’s efforts to revitalize brownfield sites for future development.

Wolf Creek Dam Project Nearly Done

The final pour of concrete for a barrier wall in the dam in Jamestown, Ky., has been done, The Tennessean reported. It is intended to prevent a breach that would have triggered catastrophic flooding downstream, including in Nashville.

Energy Efficiency and Pollution Prevention Grants for Small Businesses

The DEP in Pennsylvania has given 36 small businesses across the state a total of $290,010 in grants for energy efficiency and pollution prevention projects.

National Ground Water Awareness Week

March 10-16 is National Ground Water Awareness Week, and the Tennessee Department of Environment and the Tennessee Department of Health is encouraging their residents and private well owners to support ground water awareness this week.

Bill Opposed for Cutting Wild and Scenic River Protections

American Rivers strongly oppose a bill that was recently introduced by Representative Tom McClintock (R-CA). If this bill is passed, Wind and Scenic River protections would be removed from a section of the Merced River, which has been protected since 1968.

Boeing implemented more than a dozen specific measures, including biofiltration units and incorporating native plants. (Boeing photo)

Santa Susana Site Looking Much Better

The Boeing Company's stormwater solutions have spearheaded the restoration of the Santa Susana Field Laboratory near Chatsworth, Calif.

Saltwater Fishing: Nearly a $200 Billion Industry

According to a report from the NOAA’s Fisheries Service, U.S. commercial and residential saltwater fishing generated more than $199 billion in sales, which helped support 1.7 million jobs in 2011.

Serving Sustainability – a Company and its Cloud

While many companies tout their efforts to operate more sustainably, or lessen their environmental impact, few can measure how they are helping other businesses do the same. is ready to do both, as documented in its first sustainability report.

Climate Change May Lead to Extinction of Lizards

According to a new study, dozens of lizard species could become extinct within 50 years because of global climate change.

Register to Attend the Peregrine Falcon Workshop

On April 2, 2013, the Pennsylvania DEP will be hosting the Peregrine Falcon Educators’ Workshop in Harrisburg, Dauphin County. Teachers, non-formal educators, home-school teachers, and students are encouraged to attend.

Application Deadline Extended for Energy Leadership Academy

The U.S. DOE and National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) have decided to accept applications for the 2013 Executive Energy Leadership Academy until March 20.

Chemical Plant Reaches Clean Air Case Settlement

Montgomery Chemicals violated the Clean Air Act by not properly reporting and recording methanol emissions. The company has agreed to pay fines and correct all violations according to EPA standards.

Natural Habitats in Europe at Risk

Due to climate change, urban sprawl, and intensive farming of the region, Europe’s parkland and biological diversity are under an increasing amount of pressure.

Spanish City Upgrades Wastewater Treatment Plant

Ávila, Spain will be using GE’s ZeeWeed 500D membrane bioreactor technology to double the amount of water and improve the quality of effluent water without increasing the facility’s footprint.