News and Articles

Universities Begin Protection Project for Great Lakes

More than 20 universities in the U.S. and Canada team up with the University of Michigan to propose research and policy priorities to help restore and protect the Great Lakes.

Recent Droughts Could Become the Norm

Evidence uncovered by a University of Tennessee, Knoxville, geography professor suggests recent droughts could be the new normal, which is particularly bad for U.S. forests.

Rising Acidity in Oceans Posts Threat to Shellfish and Humans

The acidity in the oceans is rising, which will ultimately threaten marine animals, the seafood industry, and the health of humans who consume the affected shellfish.

Ice-Capable NSF Research Vessel Launched

The R/V/ Sikuliaq is the U.S. academic fleet's first global class, ice-capable ship owned by the National Science Foundation. Its home port is the University of Alaska, Fairbanks’ Seward Marine Center in Seward, Alaska.

Protected River in Florida Still in Decline

The Wekiva River in Florida is still in failing health, despite being one of the most protected waterways in the U.S.

Study to Determine Water Amount Needed for Steelhead Fish to Flourish

CITRIS researchers will implant 40 to 50 anadromous steelhead trout with acoustic tags to determine how much water they need in order to thrive.

Bacterial Protein Found in House Dust Linked to Asthma

A bacterial protein in common house dust may make allergic responses to indoor allergens more severe, according to research conducted by the National Institutes of Health and Duke University.

TD Bank Committed to Protecting Forests

On Oct. 10, 2012, TD Banks announced its plans to start protecting forests by decreasing paper usage within the company.

Notify NYC Will Now Announce Advisories During and After Rain Events

The DEP and OEM announced that NYC’s official notification system will now issue rain-related advisories on 25 waterbodies in the area.

Traffic Air Pollution Exposure in Infancy Reduces Lung Function in Children

Air pollution from traffic exposed to infants is linked to lung function deficits in children up to eight years of age, especially among children who suffer from common allergies.

Students Encouraged by DEP to Enter National Radon Poster Contest

DEP urges Pennsylvania students, ages 9 to 14, to enter a national poster contest that helps raise awareness about the dangers of radon. The contest deadline is Nov. 2, 2012.

Clean Diesel Projects Receive Millions from EPA

As part of an ongoing campaign to reduce harmful diesel exhaust that can lead to premature deaths and asthma attacks, the EPA has awarded $30 million for clean diesel projects.

Funds Awarded by EPA for Indoor Air Quality Improvement

EPA has announced it will provide $1.2 million in funding to 32 state and local governments, tribes, and non-profit organizations for indoor air quality improvement projects.

New Citizen Support Organization for State Parks in Florida

The Friends of Gamble Rogers State Park is a new citizen support organization that supports The Florida Department of Environmental Protection’s Gamble Rogers Memorial State Recreation Area at Flagler Beach and North Peninsula State Park.

Study Proposes to Help Save Migratory Fish

Colleagues at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln conducted a study in order to offer fish the same protection as migratory birds.

New Jersey Will Host First Green Hotels Workshop

On Oct.19, the DEP’s new Garden State Green Hotels Project will hold its first workshop, allowing hotel owners and operators to learn about state programs that pay for energy efficiency improvements, environmental reviews, and worker training.

MARAD Seeks Environmental Associate Administrator

This is a federal government Senior Executive Service (SES) position located in Washington, D.C.

Illegal Dumping Caught by Surveillance Cameras in Massachusetts

The installation of hidden cameras by the Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection (MassDEP) captured several perpetrators in the act of illegal dumping in high-risk areas.

Air Quality Guidance for Oil and Gas Companies in Pennsylvania

Air Aggregation guidelines for oil and gas operations were announced by Department of Environmental Protection Secretary Mike Krancer on Oct. 5, 2012.

ASHRAE Seeks Abstracts for IAQ 2013

The Environmental Health in Low-Energy Buildings conference will take place in October 2013 in Vancouver, Canada.