News and Articles

Washington State Proposes Updates for Low Emission Vehicle Standards

The state's Department of Ecology announced routine updates for low emission vehicle standards in order to stay compliant with federal and state laws.

Solar Parks Now Big Business for Lloyd's

The British insurance market reports it is providing specialist cover to an increasing number of them, and they're the fastest-growing form of alternative energy globally.

Payoff from Idling Coal Plants Overestimated, Researchers Say

Four researchers from Carnegie Mellon University’s Green Design Institute discuss their more conservative estimates of greenhouse gas emission reductions in two papers this month.

EPA Hosting Black Carbon Symposium Nov. 14

To allow as many people to attend as possible, EPA is holding a satellite event the same day in New York City and also a webinar.

Coral Reef Research Facility Opens in Florida

The new center is the only facility in the country completely dedicated to the ecosystem science of coral reefs.

New Initiative Promotes Environmental Exports

EPA Administrator Lisa Jackson and Commerce Under Secretary Francisco Sanchez announced it during WEFECT 2012.

Growing Greener Plus Grants Offered by the Pennsylvania DEP

Growing Greener Plus Grants Offered by the Pennsylvania DEP

BP Selling Texas City Refinery for $2.5 Billion

BP has agreed to sell the refinery where a March 2005 explosion killed 15 workers and triggered record OSHA fines. Marathon Petroleum Corporation will buy it and part of BP's retail and logistics network in the southeastern United States.

EPA Funding Soil Remediation in Joplin

The $2.4 million from the Superfund program will help with sampling and remediating lead- and cadmium-contaminated soils disturbed by the May 2011 tornado or by cleanup afterward.

EIS Submission Streamlined for Federal Agencies

e-NEPA is a new online system they must use to submit them.

Washington DNR Extends Burn Ban, Plans Wildfire Workshop

Forest landowners are invited to the Oct. 13 workshop to discuss assessing fire severity and vegetation impacts.

Houston's Port Authority Earns Clean Air Award

The Houston-Galveston Area Council has presented awards to the authority four consecutive years.

Mobile Home Parks' Owners Settle CWA Violations

Among other things, the settling entities agreed to hire an approved third-party environmental consultant to perform audits at each mobile home park, including examination of the treatment, collection, and drinking water systems.

Ontario Clean Technology Alliance Touts $60 Million Consortium

The organization's chair says the goal is make Ontario, CN "the place where the world buys its water management technology."

Sacramento Development Wins Highest Rating

Highlands, a multi-family development operated by Sacramento|Yolo Mutual Housing Association, received 121 points from Oakland-based Build It Green (BIG).

Hypoxic Zones Researcher Wins 'Genius Grant'

Nancy Rabalais, marine ecologist and executive director of the Louisiana Universities Marine Consortium, won one of 23 new fellowships from the John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation.

GSA Testing Sustainable Building Techniques

Energy savings from one of them, occupant responsive lighting systems, ranged from approximately 27 percent to 63 percent.

EPA Measures VOCs at NY Site

The agency on Sept. 28 released its evaluation of air samples taken about two weeks earlier at the Hillcrest Industries site in Attica, N.Y., and the surrounding community.

Indictment Alleges Impersonator Trained Cleanup Workers

Connie M. Knight, 46, is charged with impersonating a federal employee for the purpose of enticing more than 1,000 people to pay her for fraudulent hazardous waste safety training, so they could work on the Deepwater Horizon oil spill.

40 Natural Gas Trucks Added to 99 Cents Only's CA Fleet

The company said these new leased vehicles replace its oldest diesel trucks and give it one of the largest private natural gas fleets in Southern California.