News and Articles

USDA Expands Drought Assistance to 22 States

Since the start of summer, total assistance from the agency has amounted to nearly $28 million.

Partnership Bringing New Recycling Carts to Atlanta

About 65,000 of them will be delivered this fall through a new partnership between the Curbside Value Partnership and city departments.

NIST Identifies 60 Promising Refrigerant Fluids

Using a new computational method, researchers at the Commerce Department agency found these have low global warming potential and boiling points low enough to be used in common refrigeration equipment.

Soil Removal Under Way in Washington Parks

Arsenic- and lead-contaminated soil is being cleaned up at several parks in two counties. A settlement has allowed the Department of Ecology to expand its Soil Safety Program to include parks, camps, and public multi-family housing.

Big WEFTEC Crowd Heading to New Orleans

Only a month after Hurricane Isaac swept past the city, the largest annual water quality conference will bring an estimated 18,000 attendees to the downtown Morial Convention Center.

Shell Halts Arctic Oil Search for 2012

The company announced it will stop drilling into deepwater zones for this year but will drill the top portions of as many wells as possible during the remaining season, then cap and temporarily abandon them.

CH2M HILL Experts Survey Changing Value of Water

Mike Matichich and colleagues looked at five thirsty industrial sectors, including oil & gas, chemicals, and semiconductors, to understand how water and wastewater costs are affecting business decisions.

Webinar Explores Health Impacts of Severe Drought

The one-hour webinar on Sept. 18 is part of a series presented by CDC, the National Center for Environmental Health/Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry, and the American Public Health Association.

Waste Connections Buying R360 Environmental Solutions for $1.3 Billion

Both are headquartered in Texas. R360 is a leading provider of non-hazardous oilfield waste treatment, recovery, and disposal services.

12 New Superfund Sites Announced

A total of 1,676 sites have been listed since 1983, and to date only 360 of those cleanups have been completed.

Colorado's Air Plan Earns Final OK

Included in the plan is the 2010 Clean Air-Clean Jobs Act, which is intended to set emissions controls, retire inefficient coal power plants, and convert certain electric generating units from coal to natural gas.

DEP Outreach Promoting Natural Gas Fleets

DEP Secretary Mike Krancer said the seminar series will inform local governments and businesses "about how they can take advantage of an abundant, clean-burning, and inexpensive fuel found right here in Pennsylvania" and "will help us develop our grant program moving forward."

British Waste Industry Warned on Safety

Seven workers and two members of the public have died since June 2012, most when they were struck by moving equipment, the British safety agency reports.

New Kansas Laws Enhance Conservation, Brownback Says

The fifth such bill the governor has signed into law recently is meant to extend the life of the Ogallala Aquifer by using groundwater management districts.

Study Shows Small Difference Between Organic and Conventional Foods

First author Dr. Crystal Smith-Spangler, MD, emphasized the overall effect of the study was to get people to make better eating habits overall.

Fluoridation Passed by Portland City Council

Opponents have not given up, however. They hope to collect enough signatures to hold a referendum next year.

Bee Population Key to Protecting Biodiversity

Agrochemicals are a very real threat to the health of the bee population, according to experts.

Elwha Dam Removal Survey Planned

The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration wants to survey residents of Washington and Oregon about the value of the ongoing ecological restoration project -– one of the largest dam removal projects in U.S. history.

Study Predicts Trout Extinction in Spain in Less than 100 Years

Trout in the area already face numerous threats, whether it is climate change, pollution, water extraction for irrigation, or overfishing.

Research Confirms Loss of Tropical Forests Reduces Rain

"Our study implies that deforestation of the Amazon and Congo forests could have catastrophic consequences for the people living thousands of kilometers away in surrounding countries," said lead author Dr. Dominick Spracklen.