News and Articles

Vancouver-Based Country Club Becomes First to Add GreenDrop Recycling Stations

Royal Oaks Country Club in Vancouver is the first golf course to take advantage of GreenDrop Recycling Stations.

Enbridge CEO Responds to NTSB Report About its Crude Oil Spill

The National Transportation Safety Board issued a tough report July 10 about the July 2010 spill of 843,000 gallons of crude oil from a 30-inch Enbridge Inc. pipeline near Marshall, Mich.

Report: New Water Supply Reservoirs Risky Ventures in the Southeast

Southeast U.S. communities should think twice before building new water supply reservoirs, according to a report released today by American Rivers.

Natural Gas is a Much-Needed Tool to Battle Global Warming: Study

No matter how you drill it, using natural gas as an energy source is a smart move in the battle against global climate change and a good transition step on the road toward low-carbon energy from wind, solar and nuclear power.

Rising Carbon Dioxide in Atmosphere Also Speeds Carbon Loss from Forest Soils

Elevated levels of atmospheric carbon dioxide accelerate carbon cycling and soil carbon loss in forests, new research led by an Indiana University biologist has found.

Climate Change May Lead to Fewer but More Violent Thunderstorms

Researchers are working to identify exactly how a changing climate will impact specific elements of weather, such as clouds, rainfall, and lightning.

Nitrogen Dioxide Air Pollution Lessens in Parts of U.S. and Europe

Satellite measurements show that nitrogen dioxide in the lower atmosphere over parts of Europe and the US has fallen over the past decade.

Team PrISUm Races to the Start Line of the American Solar Challenge

Team PrISUm’s latest solar race car is already ahead of the last one. Over the past week, the team has taken Hyperion, this year’s cross-country race car, out for several test runs, including a trip to Grinnell.

Two Oregon Dairies Fined for Water Discharge Violations in Tillamook Watershed

Dila Dairy and River End Dairy, LLC, located in Nehalem, were found to be discharging in violation of the Clean Water Act’s National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System and the Oregon Concentrated Animal Feeding Operation permit.

Cooling Trend Calculated for First Time in Northern Europe

An international team that includes scientists from Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz (JGU) has published a reconstruction of the climate in northern Europe over the last 2,000 years based on the information provided by tree-rings.

Corals On Ocean Side of Reef Are Most Susceptible to Recent Warming

Marine scientists at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill have linked the decline in growth of Caribbean forereef corals -- due to recent warming -- to long-term trends in seawater temperature experienced by these corals located on the ocean-side of the reef.

Improving Air Quality With No-Till Cropping

Studies by U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) scientists show some no-till management systems can lower atmospheric levels of PM10—soil particles and other material 10 microns or less in diameter that degrade air quality—that are eroded from crop fields via the wind.

Patterson Drilling Down for Answer to Texas Water Crisis

Along Interstate 35, between Austin and San Antonio, the Texas Economic Miracle is thirsting for water. Tight restrictions on the Edwards Aquifer and the high costs of pipelines are choking off the potential growth of homes and businesses.

Denbury Onshore, LLC, Fined a Second Time for Violating the Clean Water Act

The Environmental Protection Agency has fined Denbury Onshire, LLC, of Alvin, Texas, $19.927 for violating the federal Clean Water Act.

Satellite Research Reveals Smaller Volcanoes Could Cool Climate

A University of Saskatchewan-led international research team has discovered that aerosols from relatively small volcanic eruptions can be boosted into the high atmosphere by weather systems such as monsoons, where they can affect global temperatures.

Arctic Warming Linked to Reduced Sea Ice and Global Atmospheric Warming

The combination of melting sea ice and global atmospheric warming are contributing to the high rate of warming in the Arctic, where temperatures are increasing up to four times faster than the global average, a new University of Melbourne study has shown.

Extreme Heat Raises Climate Change Questions, Concerns

The recent heat wave baking much of the country has prompted many people to ask: Is this due to climate change?

EPA Provides Grant to Puerto Rico Community Group

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency is providing a $60,000 grant to ENLACE, an organization that serves communities along the Martin Pena Canal in San Juan, Puerto Rico, to educate people about water quality in the canal and what can be done to reduce pollution.

Nitrogen Pollution Changing Rocky Mountain National Park Vegetation

A new study led by the University of Colorado Boulder indicates air pollution in the form of nitrogen compounds emanating from power plants, automobiles and agriculture is changing the alpine vegetation in Rocky Mountain National Park.

Natural Climate Shifts Drove Coral Reefs to a Total Ecosystem Collapse

Climate change drove coral reefs to a total ecosystem collapse lasting thousands of years, according to a paper published this week in Science.