In a unique field experiment, ten research groups from nine different countries have studied the ecological status of 100 streams across Europe.
When it comes to understanding climate change, it's all about the dirt. A new study by researchers at BYU, Duke and the USDA finds that soil plays an important role in controlling the planet's atmospheric future.
Unhealthy air quality is predicted for the southern portions of Connecticut and Rhode Island, and the south coast of Massachusetts, including Cape Cod and the Islands, on Wednesday due to ground-level ozone.
Luke Hanley is a big believer in harnessing solar energy to produce electricity. Doing it more efficiently is his goal.
EPA has honored companies that have designed, developed and implemented innovative green technologies with its 2012 Presidential Green Chemistry Challenge Award.
Carbon stored in Arctic tundra could be released into the atmosphere by new trees growing in the warmer region, exacerbating climate change, scientists have revealed.
The globally-averaged temperature for May 2012 marked the second warmest May since record keeping began in 1880.
Vivotek is going green and eliminating power adapters for network cameras that are PoE compliant.
Nichicon Corp. is announcing that it has built a device in partnership with Nissan, called the "EV Power Station" that takes power from the “Leaf to Home” device and makes it available to the home’s power system.
When it comes to the political arena in Washington, D.C., most of us see the same thing – the 30,000 foot view. We see and talk about the contentious debates taking place on the economy, health care reform and energy policy.
GM recently added its 100th landfill-free facility – a parts distribution center in Lansing, Mich. It is a milestone in the company’s ongoing waste-reduction efforts.
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Region 5 Administrator / Great Lakes National Program Manager Susan Hedman announced a $6 million Great Lakes Restoration Initiative grant to the City of Ishpeming, Mich.
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has proposed updates to its national air quality standards for harmful fine particle pollution, including soot (known as PM2.5).
Climate and Conservation offers a glimpse of climate change beyond images of melting Arctic ice—illustrating that landscapes and seascapes in places like the coastal Caribbean, mountainous eastern Australia, and the Brazilian Amazon are all susceptible to climate related impacts.
A new university-led study with NASA participation finds ancient Antarctica was much warmer and wetter than previously suspected.
The ancient reserves of methane gas seeping from the melting Arctic ice cap told Jeff Chanton and fellow researchers what they already knew: As the permafrost thaws, there is a release of methane, a powerful greenhouse gas that causes climate warming.
American Seafoods Company LLC and Pacific Longline Company LLC have agreed to phase out the use of ozone depleting refrigerants, implement a comprehensive leak detection and repair program aboard a number of their vessels and pay a penalty to resolve federal Clean Air Act violations.
Geostellar, providers of advanced geomatic technology to accurately determine the value of solar energy generation for property owners, has announced an investment from strategic, financial and economic development sources including NRG Energy, Inc., GeoEye, Inc., the State of Maryland and Flash Forward Ventures.
The former and current owners and operators of Avionics Specialties Inc. in Earlysville, Va., have agreed to investigate discharges of hazardous chemicals into the soil and groundwater at the manufacturing plant and to evaluate alternatives for cleanup of the releases.
How do grasshoppers who are being frightened by spiders affect our ecosystem? In no small measure, say researchers at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem and at Yale University in the US.