News and Articles

Republic Services to Open Recycling Center

Republic Services, a provider of recycling and waste collection, has opened a state-of-the-art regional recycling center in northwest Jacksonveille on Imeson Road. The facility will serve the residents and businesses throughout the area.

More Plant Species Responding to Global Warming Than Previously Thought

Far more wild plant species may be responding to global warming than previous large-scale estimates have suggested.

Officials Discuss Hudson River Cleanup Project

Several politicians and officials from the Environmental Protection Agency met up on the shore of the Hudson River to discuss the progress of the federal Superfund cleanup on the Hudson River and the efforts to restore properties along its shorelines.

Pollution Warming Atmosphere Through Thunderstorm Clouds

Pollution is warming the atmosphere through summer thunderstorm clouds, according to a computational study published May 10 in Geophysical Research Letters.

Oil Spill Workers Asked to Join Gulf Study

Deepwater Horizon cleanup workers and volunteers are invited to participate in the GuLF Study to help determine whether the oil spill contributed to physical and mental health problems.

Prenatal Pollution Exposure Dangerous for Kids With Asthma

The link between prenatal exposure to air pollution and childhood lung growth and respiratory ailments has been established by several studies in recent years, and now a new study suggests that these prenatal exposures can be especially serious for children with asthma.

U.S. Army and U.S. Air Force Holding Joint Media Roundtable

The U.S. Army and U.S. Air Force will hold a joint media roundtable today at 9:30 CST time. They will also broadcast interviews in order to discuss energy and environmental initiatives.

Environment Influences Behavior Generations Later

Researchers at The University of Texas at Austin and Washington State University have seen an increased reaction to stress in animals whose ancestors were exposed to an environmental compound generations earlier.

Study Compares Toxin Levels in Captive and Wild Sea Mammals

Amid growing concerns about the spread of harmful mercury in plants and animals, a new study by researchers from The Johns Hopkins University and The National Aquarium has compared levels of the chemical in captive dolphins with dolphins found in the wild.

Earth's Water Cycle Intensifying With Atmospheric Warming

A clear change in salinity has been detected in the world's oceans, signalling shifts and an acceleration in the global rainfall and evaporation cycle.

NASCAR and EPA Partner on Green Initiatives

The Environmental Protection Agency and the National Association for Stock Car Auto Racing have signed an agreement to raise awareness of environmentally friendly products and solutions to address America’s environmental challenges.

Excess Water Slows Lake Mead Connector Tunnel

Completion of a half-mile connector tunnel will come in January and cost $5 million more than the previous estimate because more water is seeping into the work site than expected, according to a local news report.

Air Pollution Level Changes in Beijing Linked With Biomarkers of Cardiovascular Disease

During the 2008 Beijing Olympics, changes in air pollution were associated with changes in biomarkers of systemic inflammation and thrombosis (formation of blood clot) as well as measures of cardiovascular physiology in healthy young persons, according to a study in the May 16 issue of JAMA, a theme issue on Global Health.

EPA Releases Draft Scientific Study of Bristol Bay Watershed

The U.S. Environmental Protection has released a draft scientific study of the Bristol Bay watershed and its natural resources for public comment.

Central Gulf of Mexico Lease Sale Scheduled for June 20

The Central Gulf of Mexico lease sale is scheduled to take place at the Mercedes-Benz Superdome in New Orleans on June 20. It will include 7,276 blocks on about 38.6 million acres.


Retrofit Kits Help Businesses Meet New DOE Lighting Standards

Starting on July 14, 2012, the Department of Energy (DOE) will begin phasing out most T12 fluorescent lights and replacing them with energy-efficient T5 lights. To help make the adjustment to T5 lights easier, one company in the United States has begun making retrofit plug-and-play adapters.

New Hampshire Wholesale Grocer Fined for Chemical Release

C&S Wholesale Grocers, Inc., a large food-distribution business headquartered in Keene, N.H., has agreed to pay a penalty of $126,700 to settle claims that it violated the Clean Air Act.

Scientist Develops Simple Way to Make Clean Water for Everyone

Nearly 80 percent of disease in developing countries is linked to bad water and sanitation. Now a scientist at Michigan Technological University has developed a simple, cheap way to make water safe to drink, even if it’s muddy.

Maine DEP and Coast Guard to Test Marine Spill Response on Damariscotta River

Responders from the Maine Department of Environmental Protection, the US Coast Guard and Moran Environmental Recovery will participate in a boom deployment exercise on the Penobscot River on Tuesday, May 22 and Wednesday, May 23.

El Paso Midstream Group to Resolve Clearn Air Act Violations in Utah

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency has reached a settlement with El Paso Midstream Group, LLC resolving Clean Air Act violations at the Blue Bell Gas Plant near Roosevelt in Duchesne County, Utah.