News and Articles

Prescribed Fires Promote Long-term Preservation of Texas Grasslands

The effects of burning on rangelands have long been debated. Although it is desirable to remove woody plants and invasive species, fire may also eliminate the native grasses that are important for raising cattle. Studying the effects of burning over a span of years can inform land managers how rangelands will respond to this type of management.

Potato Company Pays EPA Penalty for Failing to Report Ammonia Release

Oregon Potato Company failed to report an anhydrous ammonia release at their facility in Warden, Wash., and will pay the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) a $66,235 penalty.

Detecting Detrimental Change in Coral Reefs

Over dinner on R.V. Calypso while anchored on the lee side of Glover's Reef in Belize, Jacques Cousteau told Phil Dustan that he suspected humans were having a negative impact on coral reefs. Dustan—a young ocean ecologist who had worked in the lush coral reefs of the Caribbean and Sinai Peninsula—found this difficult to believe. It was December 1974.

Dallas-area Habitat for Humanity is First to Install Solar Array

The solar array is the first-ever installed on the office building and ReStore location for any Habitat for Humanity affiliate in the United States.

Report Outlines Measures to Cut Carbon Emissions from Buildings

A new report from the Environmental Change Institute at Oxford University outlines its strategy to transform the U.K.’s built environment.

Managing Fire and Biodiversity

A 23-year study of dry sclerophyll forests in south-eastern NSW has thrown new light on the role of fire in the landscape.

EPA Orders Albuquerque Racetrack to Stop Discharges to Protect Rio Grande

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has issued an order to halt discharges of animal waste, industrial run-off and other pollutants into the Rio Grande. The action was taken against the Downs at Albuquerque Inc. and EXPO New Mexico, a 93-acre race track and casino in Albuquerque, New Mexico, that accommodates almost 1,400 horses during racing season.

Asthma Rate and Costs from Traffic Pollution Higher

A research team led by University of Massachusetts Amherst resource economist Sylvia Brandt, with colleagues in California and Switzerland, have revised the cost burden sharply upward for childhood asthma and for the first time include the number of cases attributable to air pollution, in a study released in the online version of the European Respiratory Journal.

Extreme Droughts Could Increase by 15 Percent in Spain by 2050

A team at the Polytechnic University of Cartagena has designed a new method for calculating drought trends. Initial results suggest that by the year 2050 there could be a 15 percent increase compared to the droughts seen in 1990 in the Segura river basin.

Climatic Warming-induced Change in Timings of 24 Seasonal Divisions in China Since 1960

Changes of seasonal cycles are important to social and economic activities, agricultural planning in particular. Quantified changes in the timings of 24 seasonal divisions conventionally known in China as the "24 Solar Terms," based on a recently developed homogenized dataset of daily temperature observations dating to 1960. The results provide quantitative guidance for adaptation to global warming in the

EPA Reaches Settlement for Occidental Chemical Corp. Superfund Site Cleanup Costs

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) recently announced that current and former owners and operators of the Occidental Chemical Corporation Superfund Site in Lower Pottsgrove Township, Montgomery County, Pa. have agreed to pay $2.1 million in past cleanup costs for the site.

Expansion of the Panama Canal has Positive Effect for the Environment

Expansion of one of the world's most important shipping routes brings with it a unique opportunity to reduce the carbon footprint of the marine industry, experts claim.

Can Bacteria Lower Groundwater Concentration Levels?

Research conducted by the team at the Integrated Field Research Challenge (IFRC) site in Rifle, Colo. has shown that indigenous bacteria can be stimulated to immobilize the uranium, resulting in groundwater concentrations below the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency standard.

White Roofs to Make for Cooler Melbourne Buildings

The research assesses the benefits of white roofs and aims to help residential, commercial and industrial building owners determine if white roofs are suitable for their buildings and guide them through the best materials to use.

Researchers Gather to Refine Carbon Budget for U.S. East Coast

A group of 35 researchers from institutions all along the eastern seaboard gathered at the Virginia Institute of Marine Science last week to further integrate and refine field measurements and computer models of carbon cycling in the waters along the U.S. East Coast.

Tips Tuesday: Minimize, Eliminate Environmental Risks Associated with Runoff from Rainfall, Snowmelt

Here are relatively simple and inexpensive best management practices that can minimize or eliminate environmental risks associated with runoff from rainfall and snowmelt.

Broadcast Study of Ocean Acidification to Date Helps Scientists Evaluate Effects on Marine Life

Might a penguin's next meal be affected by the exhaust from your tailpipe? The answer may be yes, when you add your exhaust fumes to the total amount of carbon dioxide lofted into the atmosphere by humans since the industrial revolution. One-third of that carbon dioxide is absorbed by the world's oceans, making them more acidic and affecting marine life.

EPA Environmental Justice Grant to Help Farm Workers Reduce Pesticide Risks

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is providing a $25,000 grant to the Comite de Apoyo a los Trabajadores Agrícolas (CATA) to reduce exposure to pesticides for farm workers in southern New Jersey.

Researchers Study Potential Effects of Geoengineering on Global Food Supply

Carbon dioxide emissions from the burning of coal, oil, and gas have been increasing over the past decades, causing the Earth to get hotter and hotter. There are concerns that a continuation of these trends could have catastrophic effects, including crop failures in the heat-stressed tropics. This has led some to explore drastic ideas for combating global warming, including the idea of trying to counteract it by reflecting sunlight away from the Earth.

Tweaking the Tiniest of Parts Yields Big Jump in Efficiency in Solar Cells

By tweaking the smallest of parts, a trio of University at Buffalo engineers is hoping to dramatically increase the amount of sunlight that solar cells convert into electricity.