It calls for boosting the foundation's role as a key influencer in securing Texas' water future through a robust legislative agenda and a strategy to promote statewide water awareness and leadership.
The Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection reported that its inspections after the Sept. 10 explosion "discovered violations including unreported landslides, impacts to aquatic resources, construction activities occurring in unpermitted areas, and several sections of the pipeline that required the installation of additional measures to prevent accelerated erosion."
By implementing natural infrastructure through living shoreline design, we can develop solutions that provide a multitude of benefits that include performing against the rising sea levels, managing flood risk, and providing ecological benefits, all at the same time.
The New York State Department of Environmental Conservation is overseeing the safe shutdown of operations at the facility. The coke battery consists of 60 ovens, of which 30 remained in operation at the time of shutdown; on Oct. 15 the last of the remaining 30 ovens were fully emptied, marking the end of coke production at the facility.
Grants have been awarded for stormwater management, invasive species removal, forest restoration, farm runoff reduction, streambank restoration, and many other projects that ultimately improve water quality in Pennsylvania.
Building an understanding of EPFRs’ nature and role in human health for policy makers is also important, to create new standards for air pollution.
The new law extends the NOAA Marine Debris Program for five additional years and authorizes the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration to declare severe marine debris events.
For those on board with renewable energy, the wave of residential solar is exciting. Homeowners can now get solar that once only well-funded government projects had.
In Austin, 100-year rainfall amounts for 24 hours increased as much as three inches, up to 13 inches. 100-year estimates around Houston increased from 13 inches to 18 inches and values previously classified as 100-year events are now much more frequent 25-year events.
The settlement requires Rho-Chem, LLC to complete a supplemental environmental project to purchase and provide at least $352,992 worth of emergency response instruments and communication and computing equipment to the Los Angeles County Fire Department's Homeland Security/Hazardous Materials Response Section.
The worker who died was making a turn while operating the truck from the right-hand side when he fell out and was run over. Cal/OSHA investigators determined the truck had a safety chain for the truck cab opening that could not be used because a part was missing.
The agreement signed Sept. 25 transfers regulatory authority over certain radioactive materials to the state. NRC transferred responsibility for licensing, rulemaking, inspection, and enforcement activities needed to regulate source material involved in uranium or thorium milling and the management and disposal of milling waste.
"There is nothing safe about this proposal. It turns its back on decades of progress in cleaning up cars and trucks, ignores available and cost-effective clean vehicle technology, wastes gasoline, and pumps more climate-changing gases into the atmosphere," said Mary D. Nichols, chair of the California Air Resources Board.
The funding comes from Pennsylvania's $118 million settlement with Volkswagen Group of America for cheating on EPA emissions tests, and the grants and rebates are available through Gov. Tom Wolf's Driving PA Forward initiative, which aims to permanently reduce nitrogen oxide (NOx) pollution from vehicles.
NRC is accepting additional public comments through Oct. 19 on environmental issues to be considered in its environmental impact statement, and the agency has given stakeholders until Oct. 29 to request a hearing.
"New York City leads from the front when it comes to the fight against climate change," said NYC Mayor Bill de Blasio. "We're taking a stand for generations to come with our goal to double our pension investments in job-creating climate solutions. I know that other cities will look to our example, and I implore them to join us."
While the e-Manifest is overall beneficial for the entire waste management industry, there is a lot to understand about the new system and other ever-changing regulations.
Soil and groundwater at the sites to be cleaned up were contaminated by businesses that have been closed since the 1960s, with gas stations, car repair shops, a dry cleaner, a book binder, manufacturing, and industrial businesses all possible contributors.
Walney Extension's 87 turbines have a total capacity of 659 MW, sufficient to power almost 600,000 UK homes.
"Keith has provided outstanding legal counseling to DEP for the past four years," said Patrick McDonnell, Pennsylvania DEP secretary. "His broad experience within DEP and his extensive knowledge of environmental law will serve the council very well as they explore big-picture issue areas affecting the commonwealth."