News and Articles

NC Agency Taking Action on Methyl Bromide Use

"As more businesses seek to use methyl bromide at log fumigation sites in our state, the lack of specific federal or state regulatory measures for the use of this hazarous air pollutant creates a potential public health risk we must address," said DEQ Division of Air Quality Director Mike Abraczinskas.

Washington State Strengthens UST Compliance Rules

Changes the state Department of Ecology has adopted will make the program more effective by streamlining requirements and aligning the rule with state and federal laws.

Colorado Taking Action on Orphaned Oil & Gas Wells

By Aug. 1, the state's Oil and Gas Conservation Commission will produce an updated list of all such sites known to exist in the state. Gov. John Hickenlooper's executive order expands state efforts to plug, remediate, and reclaim them and to prevent additional wells and sites from being orphaned in the future.

Texas Board Funds 15 Water and Wastewater Projects

"The TWDB has now committed more than $8 billion in financial assistance since the first cycle of SWIFT funding in 2015," Board Chairman Peter Lake said about the $1.9 billion in financial assistance approved July 26. "The high demand is a testament to the program's success in implementing the state water plan."

EPA, NM Sign Agreement on Increased Recycling of O&G Wastewater

"New Mexico is currently the third largest oil producer in the United States, and that oil is accompanied by even larger quantities of water. Clarifying the state and federal regulatory frameworks associated with its recycling and reuse is of the utmost importance," said New Mexico Energy, Minerals and Natural Resources Cabinet Secretary Ken McQueen.

July 28 Workday, Beach Cleanup Set at Hawaiian State Park

Volunteers are invited to build sand castles using sand that was deposited in an anchialine pool during the 2011 tsunami.

Facing Growing Water Demand Without Aquifers

With the demand for water in this country and around the world growing significantly every year, we won't have the luxury of waiting thousands of years for these aquifers to carry water again.

California became the first state to require solar panels to be installed on almost all new homes built after 2020.

Top Tips to Make Your Home More Energy Efficient

The development of renewable energy technologies has given us plenty of new and energy-efficient products used for homes and home appliances.

Two Nevada Agencies Get Water, Radon EPA Grants

The Nevada Division of Environmental Protection will receive a $100,000 Clean Water Act grant to continue the state's water quality management and planning program to improve impaired waters and protect unimpaired waters across the state.

Scientists Analyzing Smoke of Western Wildfires

The project brings together scientists from five universities and the NSF-funded National Center for Atmospheric Research. "This is a challenging field campaign," said atmospheric scientist Emily Fischer of Colorado State University. "It's not like measuring the plume from, say, a power plant."

Pennsylvania DEP Settles Pipeline Case

"This penalty is the result of the department's commitment to operator compliance and aggressive enforcement to ensure Pennsylvania's water resources are protected," said DEP Secretary Patrick McDonnell.

Senate Hearing Looks at Shark Research

"Sharks and the scientists who study them have led us to improvements in aerodynamics, renewable energy, electrical sensors, and health and medical research. Innovative shark research can benefit marine ecosystems and continue to raise public awareness about these important species," said committee Chairman John Thune, R-S.D.

Veolia North America Expands Scope of Operations

The transaction includes contracts for water treatment services in locations across North America, including major metropolitan areas such as Phoenix and Seattle. Non-municipal contracts include a college in Illinois, a beverage company, a food processing company, and a chemical company.

PA DEP Unveils Strategies to Boost Use of Solar Power

Five main strategies, incorporating both decentralized approaches (e.g., solar panels on homes) and larger, utility-grid-scale development, were analyzed in the draft plan.

Creating a Sustainable Water Source with Wastewater Reuse

Monitoring is a key facet in water reuse facilities, and very sophisticated systems are used to track the water quality in every part of the process.

EPA Head Scott Pruitt Resigns

Scott Pruitt resigned from his position as head of the Environmental Protection Agency on Thursday after months of controversy involving his ethics, spending, and management of the agency.

Wyoming Seeks to Be NRC Agreement State

The agency would transfer responsibility for licensing, rulemaking, inspection, and enforcement activities related to the extraction and concentration of uranium and thorium milling and also the management and disposal of milling waste.

SWANA Launches Safety Toolkit for Solid Waste Haulers

The toolkit includes safety guidance and material such as the "5 to Stay Alive" safety tips and "Top 10 Backing Best Practices." There is also a Safety Pledge for workers to sign and a Pledge to Get Home Safe mini poster.

Authorities Worldwide Target Wildlife, Timber Smugglers

"Operation Thunderstorm has seen significant seizures at global level, showing how coordinated global operations can maximize impact," said INTERPOL Secretary General Jürgen Stock. "Operation Thunderstorm sends a clear message to wildlife criminals that the world's law enforcement community is homing in on them."

Maryland Trust Fund Awards Water Quality Grants

The grants will provide funding to stream and wetland restoration, innovative stormwater management practices, riparian tree buffer plantings, and more in multiple counties in the Chesapeake Bay watershed.