The agency reported since 2013, Cabot had excess emissions of natural gas from 267 pneumatic controllers at well sites and did not submit complete compliance demonstration reports for 20 gas wells.
The proposed Yellowstone Disposal landfill would accept municipal solid waste and oilfield exploration and production solid waste, according to the draft environmental assessment. Montana DEQ has set a public meeting for Dec. 18 and is accepting comments until Jan. 29, 2018.
The state wants EPA to further evaluate the need for additional removal of contaminated sediment to make sure the targeted PCB reductions in fish are met, and it is also asking EPA to start its investigation of the Lower Hudson River.
A group of nurseries in southern England has banned the use of glitter at their facilities in light of scientists drawing attention to the detrimental effects of microplastics like glitter on the environment.
The state expects to get about $92 million from a $2.9 billion settlement that was reached following an investigation launched in 2015 into Volkswagen for making and installing illegal software devices to help some vehicles defeat emission tests.
This is the eighth year for public voting. According to the department, nominations were based on each waterway's conservation needs and successes, as well as celebration plans should the nominee be voted 2018 River of the Year.
DOJ and EPA alleged the Virgin Islands pest control company illegally applied fumigants containing methyl bromide in multiple residential locations in the U.S. Virgin Islands, including the condominium resort complex in St. John where a family of four became seriously ill in March 2015 after the unit below them was fumigated.
As the insulation industry is taking strides toward sustainability, it's crucial to educate yourself on the eco-friendly merits and insulation credentials of each material.
Siemens and the South Coast Air Quality Management District are managing a 1-mile, zero-emission demonstration in Carson, Calif., this month. Three field trials of the eHighway technology on German highways are planned for 2019.
Brian Strom, chancellor of Rutgers Biomedical and Health Sciences, said Dr. Helmut Zarbl's appointment and new faculty he will recruit "will deepen the institute's core strength and link the school and institute, as well as extend its reach to include faculty across Rutgers who are interested in environmental health. This will give EOHSI the ability to significantly impact environmental health in New Jersey and beyond."
The results of the three-year study will help USFS learn more about how to use fire on the national grasslands.
In May and June 2017, under operation LEAD (Law Enforcement Against Deforestation), Myanmar authorities seized around $2 million worth of illegal timber, according to INTERPOL.
Some $260 million in public money has been spent on R&D since 2000, but the technology hasn’t been commercialized or widely deployed yet.
USACE said the tremendous amount of rainfall inundated the three water conservation areas and affected the wildlife that live there.
Participants in the Nov. 8 meeting in Bartow, Fla., will discuss the status of TMDL development for nutrient impaired water bodies in the Upper Peace River basin.
The First National Operations and Maintenance Company, a wholly owned subsidiary of Saudi Arabia's ACWA Power, will implement the APM solution at 26 thermal, wind, and solar power generation and water desalination sites in nine countries.
"Without rapid cuts in CO2 and other greenhouse gas emissions, we will be heading for dangerous temperature increases by the end of this century, well above the target set by the Paris climate change agreement," said WMO Secretary-General Petteri Taalas. "Future generations will inherit a much more inhospitable planet.
China now has 38 nuclear power reactors in operation and 19 others under construction, IAEA reports.
OGCI Climate Investments is a billion-dollar investment fund established last year by OGCI to invest in promising technologies and business models that have the potential to significantly reduce greenhouse gas emissions; the fund is building a network of partners and co-investors in key sectors.
The bill signed into law this week provides flexibility for the state so it can evaluate each instance to ensure it would be feasible and not hinder the necessary travel of petroleum-bearing vessels on the Hudson River and on active ports, some of which have active major oil storage facilities.