The exercise's scenario begins with a fire on BC Ferries' M/V Coastal Renaissance that causes passengers and crew members to evacuate. The two-day exercise simulates both search and rescue and a marine environmental response.
The National Park Service said the proposed new fee structure would boost national park revenue by $70 million per year, a 34 percent increase from the $200 million collected in fiscal year 2016.
Increased in size from eight to 16 members, the Science Advisory Board has a new charter and the scope of its work has expanded from toxic air pollutants to the broader focus on the impact of new and emerging chemicals, including GenX and hexavalent chromium.
The study estimated coastal property losses from rising seas and more frequent, more intense storms could range from $51 billion to $74 billion per year late in this century.
The order allows qualified professionals at the federal agency to assist state and local officials in immediately removing visible hazardous debris such as batteries, flammable liquids, asbestos siding, paint, and pipe insulation from burned homes.
Environment and Climate Change Canada's wildlife enforcement officers launched an investigation two years ago and discovered a polar bear skin rug located in Canada that had previously been exported to China. The investigation found the company on three occasions illegally exported polar bear skins to China.
NRC said in April, an electrical component on a Catawba Unit 2 emergency diesel generator failed during a scheduled test. NRC said its inspectors reviewed the event and determined that the plant staff had failed to adequately develop and adjust preventive maintenance activities using operating experience, maintenance history, and performance records.
The plant segregates wastewater and stormwater treatment for 37 MEL municipalities and satisfies high environmental standards, particularly for nitrogen and phosphate treatment, in order to maintain the quality of the nearby river water.
Scotland's First Minister, Nicola Sturgeon, officially opened the 30MW farm, which Statoil operates in partnership with Masdar. The farm is located 25 kilometers offshore Peterhead in Aberdeenshire, Scotland.
The announcement came Oct. 18 at the Volvo Ocean Race Ocean Summit in Alicante.
"The selected projects will provide high-performance air filters and heating, ventilation, and air conditioning upgrades at facilities most impacted by port operations," said Harbor Commission President Lou Anne Bynum. "We've made tremendous progress in reducing air pollution through our Green Port Policy."
The Department of Public Works is spending $22 million on catch basin cleanings and repairs and is expected to clean 15,000 drains in 120 days, according to Mayor Landrieu's office, which said while the city will unclog and repair drains, it is important for residents to keep catch basins clear of trash and debris to prevent further issues.
The program determines whether manufacturers have adopted or implemented free take-back/recycling programs for their products and awards recycling grants for county or city programs that divert covered electronic devices from their waste stream.
Sophisticated tools capable of collecting and analyzing massive data sets and then displaying the results in visual form are no longer an option. They are becoming a necessity.
"These two plants are economically challenged in the competitive ERCOT market. Sustained low wholesale power prices, an oversupplied renewable generation market, and low natural gas prices, along with other factors, have contributed to this decision," Luminant's announcement said.
In the next five years, we'll see sustainability in commercial projects moving from a luxury to a requirement. Examining your product and its performance now will put you ahead of the curve.
XTO recently completed a pilot project in the Midland Basin that tested new low-emission designs that use compressed air instead of natural gas to operate pneumatic equipment that helps regulate conditions such as level, flow, pressure, and temperature
There are an estimated 95,000 cholera-related deaths and another 2.9 million more people affected annually.
SUEZ said in connection with the $3.4 billion deal's completion, it has established a Water Technologies & Solutions business unit under the leadership of Heiner Markhoff, former president and CEO of GE Water, and Markhoff has joined SUEZ Group's Executive Committee.
An estimated 18 million mattresses with box springs are disposed in the United States annually, which causes about 50,000 mattresses to be disposed in landfills daily across the country. And some mattresses are illegally dumped, adding to landfill waste.