The National Academies said it would go forward with previously scheduled meetings for the project in Kentucky on Aug. 21-23 "and we stand ready to resume it as soon as the Department of the Interior review is completed."
The Clean Water State Revolving Fund Loan Program has awarded more than $1.8 billion in low-interest loans since its inception in 1987, while Tennessee's Drinking Water State Revolving Fund Loan Program has awarded more than $300.5 million in low-interest loans since its inception in 1996.
The three reports are required under the Administrative Order on Consent between the agency and Talen Montana, LLC. They concern the industrial wastewater facilities at the Colstrip Steam Electric Station.
The dam is one of three dams that control the outflow from Lake Nipissing. They're essential for maintaining its water level and for regulating the flow of water into the French River. During the $21.9 million replacement project, new dams were built slightly downstream from the original dams, which were then removed.
The state parks agency is advising visitors to bring their own water when coming to the park until the water system has been declared safe for use. Vault and portable toilets are available.
"Mexico is undergoing a historical moment in its energy policy and we are extremely pleased to play an active role in this process. By building Mexico's largest wind park with Vestas' turbines, we are taking a bold step in the country's transition towards renewables," said Adrián Katzew, CEO of Zuma Energía.
The agency's proposed changes in its water rules include clarifying exceptions from water quality standards that apply to pesticide application, construction activities, and dredging. Changes will be discussed at the Aug. 23 meeting in Columbus.
Most of the illegal waste discovered during the operation was metal or electronic waste, and generally it was related to the car industry. In all, 226 waste crimes and 413 administrative violations were found, including criminal cases of 141 shipments carrying a total of 14,000 tonnes of illegal waste and 85 sites where more than 1 million tonnes of waste was illegally disposed.
Steve Martin has been executive director of the Snake River Salmon Recovery Board since 2001.
The meeting seek residents' input as state officials develop a Sea Level Rise Vulnerability and Adaptation Report for the 2018 Hawaii State Legislature. It will be the first state-wide assessment of the impacts of sea-level rise on Hawaii's coastal areas.
The request under the Technology Advancement Program offers $500,000 for one or two demonstrations of technologies that will upgrade engines to Tier 3 or Tier 4 standards, which means the engines are as much as 70 percent cleaner. Proposals are due by Sept. 21.
The two stacks became obsolete after the Muncie, Ind., university switched to a closed-loop geothermal system and shut down its coal-fired boilers in 2014.
It is a cash and stock transaction with an enterprise value of approximately $3.27 billion, including approximately $416 million of CH2M net debt, the companies announced Aug. 2.
EPA partners with the state to protect and restore watersheds, streams and groundwater
Michigan State University is getting $3.2 million to establish a registry of Flint, Mich., residents who were exposed to lead-contaminated water from the Flint water system during 2014-2015. The money is the first installment of a four-year, $14.4 million grant.
EPA to add hazardous sites to National Priorities List.
The board of directors at Santee Cooper on July 31 suspended construction work on Units 2 and 3 at the V.C. Summer Nuclear Station in Jenkinsville, S.C. -- a decision the company reports will save is customers nearly $7 billion.
This will modernizes the electric power grid and help to meet Gov. Cuomo's Clean Energy Standard of 50 percent renewable electricity by 2030.
Marie L. Prezioso has been appointed executive director of the agency, effective July 27, 2017. She replaces former executive director Chris Jarrett, who retired following an ethics investigation.
Volkswagen will invest $800 million on zero-emission infrastructure in the next decade, part of its settlement with state and federal agencies for using a "defeat device" that caused in 2009-2016 diesel cars to emit far more nitrogen oxide than allowed.