The meeting seek residents' input as state officials develop a Sea Level Rise Vulnerability and Adaptation Report for the 2018 Hawaii State Legislature. It will be the first state-wide assessment of the impacts of sea-level rise on Hawaii's coastal areas.
The request under the Technology Advancement Program offers $500,000 for one or two demonstrations of technologies that will upgrade engines to Tier 3 or Tier 4 standards, which means the engines are as much as 70 percent cleaner. Proposals are due by Sept. 21.
The two stacks became obsolete after the Muncie, Ind., university switched to a closed-loop geothermal system and shut down its coal-fired boilers in 2014.
It is a cash and stock transaction with an enterprise value of approximately $3.27 billion, including approximately $416 million of CH2M net debt, the companies announced Aug. 2.
EPA partners with the state to protect and restore watersheds, streams and groundwater
Michigan State University is getting $3.2 million to establish a registry of Flint, Mich., residents who were exposed to lead-contaminated water from the Flint water system during 2014-2015. The money is the first installment of a four-year, $14.4 million grant.
EPA to add hazardous sites to National Priorities List.
The board of directors at Santee Cooper on July 31 suspended construction work on Units 2 and 3 at the V.C. Summer Nuclear Station in Jenkinsville, S.C. -- a decision the company reports will save is customers nearly $7 billion.
This will modernizes the electric power grid and help to meet Gov. Cuomo's Clean Energy Standard of 50 percent renewable electricity by 2030.
Marie L. Prezioso has been appointed executive director of the agency, effective July 27, 2017. She replaces former executive director Chris Jarrett, who retired following an ethics investigation.
Volkswagen will invest $800 million on zero-emission infrastructure in the next decade, part of its settlement with state and federal agencies for using a "defeat device" that caused in 2009-2016 diesel cars to emit far more nitrogen oxide than allowed.
From 2008 to 2016, an average of 568 containers lost at sea per year -- 1,582 on average when catastrophic events are included. On average, 64 percent of containers lost during that period were attributed to a catastrophic event.
The Trump administration provided details for its aggressive plan to roll back environmental regulations.
An environmental group is trying to tighten Texas air pollution control permits.
Funding for three projects was approved by the Tompkins County Legislature.
As part of a $6 million partnership agreement with the Bureau of Reclamation, the state of Arizona, the city of Phoenix, and the Walton Family Foundation, Inc., the Gila River Indian Community will forego delivery of 40,000 acre-feet of its 2017 Colorado River allocation.
"We are working to immediately address the dire straits facing drought-stricken farmers and ranchers," U.S. Agriculture Secretary Sonny Perdue said. "USDA is fully considering and authorizing any federal programs or related provisions we have available to meet the immediate needs of impacted producers."
NeighborWorks America recently announced a $403,000 grant to Mutual Housing California for green building, renovations, programs and operations.
"In New Orleans, we face a triple threat: subsidence, coastal erosion, and sea level rise. This strategy will help us transition to a low-carbon economy that not only helps manage our climate risk, but also creates new businesses, jobs, and wealth," Mayor Mitch Landrieu said.
For outdoor field monitoring, data access can be a critical issue—especially in hard-to-reach or limited-access locations.