News and Articles

Seattle Wastewater Plant Flood Report Calls for Emergency Training

Flooding inside the West Point sewage treatment plant in February caused $57 million in damage and 235 million gallons of untreated wastewater to be dumped from an emergency outfall near Seattle's Discovery Park.

NY DEC Awards Grants for Riparian Buffers in Chesapeake Bay Watershed

The grants are for projects to permanently protect riparian buffers through land acquisition and conservation easements. Riparian buffers are strips of trees, shrubs, or grasses planted next to streams or other waterbodies.

Missouri Issues Final Permit Modification for Bannister Federal Complex

The permit includes an approved contingent remedy for 225 acres of the Kansas City site that are currently in the final remedy stage for soil and groundwater contamination.

Threats to Oceans Accelerating, UN Meeting Participants Warn

Wu Hongbo, under-secretary-general for Economic and Social Affairs and secretary-general of the recent conference, said the meeting raised global consciousness of the importance of the oceans and the challenges facing them, including plastic and other pollution, overfishing, and ocean acidification.

Idaho DEQ Seeks Comments on West Silver Valley Emissions Inventory

The state agency began developing a State Implementation Plan in 2015. But based on certified air quality monitoring for 2014-2016, the area has attained national air quality standards, which qualifies it for a clean data determination, according to DEQ.

Waste Cans a Big Part of NYC Anti-Rat Program

More frequent trash pickup, increased fines for illegal dumping, changing the rules to require larger buildings to put out the trash in the very early morning hours as close to the pickup time as possible, and eliminating dirt basements in the city's public housing buildings are all part of the $32 million plan.

Examples of the $1.2 billion in investments to date include electric transit buses and charging stations in the San Joaquin Valley.

California State Leaders File Legislation to Extend Cap-and-Trade Program

"The Legislature is taking action to curb climate change and protect vulnerable communities from industrial poisons," said Gov. Jerry Brown.

Air Emissions Fine Included in TCEQ Penalties Totaling $875,769

The commission issued agreed orders for the following enforcement categories: seven air quality, one industrial hazardous waste, three industrial wastewater discharge, two municipal solid waste, seven municipal wastewater discharge, nine petroleum storage tank, 16 public water system, three water quality, and one waste disposal well.

This graphic shows the typical construction sequence for the pipeline segment to be built in West Virginia.

WVDEP Sets Public Hearings for Atlantic Coast Pipeline 401 Certification

The department has requested State Water Quality Certification as required by Section 401 of the Clean Water Act for the 99 miles of natural gas pipeline within West Virginia.

“Our Community CarShare Sacramento” Provides EVs to Affordable Housing Community

With two Kia Souls and two electric chargers, the residents of south Sacramento’s Mutual Housing at Lemon Hill can use the cars for trips to the grocery store, doctors’ appointments, job interviews and other errands.

DC Circuit Vacates Methane Rule Rollback

The 2-1 decision on July 3 vacates EPA's decision to stay implementation of a final rule setting new source performance standards for fugitive emissions of methane from oil and gas wells.


Waste as an Energy Source: the Path to a Low-Carbon Economy

Climate change, renewable energy, low-carbon economy: For some, these are catchwords and arguments for a global ecological rethink. For others, they stand for a business segment that couples environmentally friendly technologies with a clear vision to ensure we can leave a world worth living in for future generations.

DOE Completes Evaluation of Hanford's Tunnel 2, Finds 'High' Risk of Collapse

The two PUREX storage tunnels hold mixed radioactive and chemical waste. A section of Tunnel 1 collapsed May 9, and state authorities then ordered DOE and CH2M HILL Plateau Remediation Company to immediately assess the integrity of both.

Wheeled trash or janitorial carts make it easy to move carts for short distances, but for covering longer distances, there are various towing options available to move many carts at once, including cube trucks, tilt trucks, dolly adapters, and tow bars.

An Unlikely Hero

Making small changes to trash and waste collection practices can dramatically reduce workplace injuries and illness.

EPA's Chief Touts Chemical Safety Gains

On the first anniversary of the Frank R. Lautenberg Chemical Safety for the 21st Century Act, he said EPA has met its first-year implementation milestones under the law, having issued three new rules, provided a guidance document for external parties, and released scoping documents for the first 10 risk evaluations that will be conducted.

Environment Agency Taking Comments on Oxford Flood Remediation Plan

The Environment Agency is working with several local partners to reduce flood risks to all homes and businesses in Oxford and to major transport routes into the city.

Canadian Government Approves Lake Erie Connector Project

The proposed 73-mile HVDC bi-directional transmission line between stations in Erie, Pa. and Nanticoke, Ontario, received a Presidential Permit from the U.S. Department of Energy in January 2017.

Ohio Waste Services Firm Celebrates 10th Anniversary

The company provides waste management and environmental services to its clients, focusing on recycling and sustainability.

CARB Reviewing 2016 Enforcement Report This Week

The report will include highlights of 2016 enforcement activities in key programs including truck and bus requirements, vehicle certification and aftermarket parts, consumer products, and ocean-going vessels. Staff also will discuss the division's goals for 2017 and beyond.