Having begun 2017 with more than 5,000 Superchargers globally, Tesla by the end of 2017 expects to have more than 10,000 Superchargers and 15,000 Destination Charging connectors in operation worldwide.
The new collaborations are focused on advanced manufacturing, buildings, bioenergy, solar, fuel cells, geothermal, vehicles, water, and wind energy.
"By operating Link light rail on green power starting in 2019, Sound Transit will offer transit users a carbon-neutral option for leaving their cars behind and help reduce the region's greenhouse gas emissions," said Sound Transit CEO Peter Rogoff.
"New York's city cleanup program is a commitment to combating pollution that disproportionately affects already disadvantaged communities. Our environmental remediation program is also a boon to the economic vitality of neighborhoods, creating jobs and cleaning up land to welcome new businesses and housing," said Mayor Bill de Blasio.
"Absent a nomination and confirmation of additional commissioners, the Commission will lack a quorum on July 1 when Chairman Svinicki's current term expires. This situation could severely inhibit the NRC's ability to execute its vital responsibility and hamper the nuclear industry," three leaders of the House Energy and Commerce Committee wrote in a letter to the president.
The company said today's variety of hybrid, electric, and plug-in hybrid vehicles recommended by KBB.com editors "all offer stellar fuel economy at affordable prices for the environmentally conscious new-car shopper."
The Maine fisherman was snared by Operation Broken Glass, a U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service investigation.
The agency defines advanced reactors as technologies using something other than water to cool the reactor core. NRC is currently discussing one advanced design with a vendor considering applying for design certification.
Their strategic alliance will develop UL EHSS' new sector-based reporting platform as part of the "Reimagining disclosure" initiative. The new platform will help ensure more comprehensive reporting for companies, investors, and cities.
Meanwhile, NRC's Atomic Safety and Licensing Board will hold an evidentiary hearing May 2 in Homestead, Fla, about wastewater environmental impacts from Florida Power & Light AP1000 reactors at the Turkey Point site 40 miles south of Miami.
"The goal of the restoration project is to reduce the flood risk for this area while also bringing entire ecosystems back to their natural function," said WTRBA Executive Director David Salyers. "Recreation amenities will also be constructed for visitors."
The IAEA International Conference on Physical Protection of Nuclear Material and Nuclear Facilities will be held Nov. 13-17, 2017, in Vienna, Austria.
Many of the wipe samples collected in the multi-use building in Salem had lead levels of many thousands of micrograms per square foot. One sample taken from the brewery floor was measured at 2,115.45 micrograms per square foot, and a windowsill in the brewery was measured at 6,127.44 micrograms per square foot.
This year's helicopter drop of 4,700 Christmas trees from Orleans Parish helps the national wildlife refuge create tree jetties that produce marsh habitat.
One of the world's largest geothermal power plants has begun commercial operation in Indonesia, Toshiba Corporation and Ormat Technologies Inc. announced.
President Trump said his executive order will decrease the nation’s dependence on imported fuels and revive the flagging coal industry.
"It's hard to believe that in this globally interconnected information age, only five percent of volume of the world's oceans have been explored and only 20 percent of the world's sea floor has been mapped to modern standards," said Oceanographer of the Navy Rear Adm. Tim Gallaudet.
Japan's Nuclear Regulation Authority is recommending using a different survey method after TEPCO said an attempt failed to deliver a camera to locations where images of nuclear fuel debris could be taken.
Several studies have identified dozens of unintentional and unexpected hazards to the environment associated with boating.
It says the oil and gas industry can substantially increase water reuse by mirroring the success of countries such as Canada, where regulations mandate water reuse and limit fresh water acquisition for oil sands operations.