Entomologist Steven Valles of the Imported Fire Ant and Household Insects Research Unit in Gainesville, Fla., developed novel antibodies that bind to a protein in the fire ant's venom and used the antibodies, along with ARS and APHIS colleagues, to create a portable, easy-to-use test kit.
Waste Management recycled and composted more than 14 million tons of materials from the waste stream in 2015 and operated more than 5,100 natural gas-fueled vehicles.
"It is clear that more and more businesses are building the concept of sustainability into their operations," said Assistant Secretary Dr. David Michaels. "We believe the next innovation is integrating worker safety and health into these sustainability strategies."
The company says these efforts are core parts of its Global Environmental Challenge 2050, a set of six challenges that ultimately will create a net positive impact on the planet.
Solect Energy owns and operates the array and sells the power back to Upper Cape Cod Regional Technical High School at a reduced, fixed rate for the duration of the agreement. The company reports the project was completed and commissioned at zero cost to the school.
The new buoys will increase Canada's ability to monitor the marine environment in real time; they will be deployed in spring 2017 in the estuary and the Gulf of St. Lawrence and in the Atlantic Ocean at sampling stations for Fisheries and Oceans Canada's Atlantic Zone Monitoring Program.
The new law provides that the United States will be represented on the North Pacific Fisheries Commission by five commissioners -- two appointed by the president and the three chairs of the North Pacific, Pacific, and Western Pacific Fishery Management Councils.
The Governor's Office of Homeland Security and Emergency Preparedness has released one month's supply of bottled water to the town; each individual there will receive 3 liters of water per day.
"The final rule updates 33-year old regulations and establishes clear requirements for responsible surface coal mining that will protect 6,000 miles of streams and 52,000 acres of forests over the next two decades," according to the agency.
According to the federal agencies involved, since 2005, DuPont and the trustees have worked cooperatively to assess and identify potential restoration projects to benefit natural resources affected by mercury releases from the former DuPont facility decades ago.
Secretary Sally Jewell and Deputy Secretary Mike Connor are scheduled to make a major announcement regarding the dam and a cooperative framework that will guide its operation for the next 20 years, and they will discuss how the Interior Department is meeting complex water challenges.
Global green building is expected to double every three years, according to a Dodge Data & Analytics World Green Building Trends 2016 SmartMarket Report cited by USGBC, which was a contributing partner on the report.
The EPA and two Rhode Island towns have recently signed consent orders to help clean water and improve the environmental conditions in nearby areas.
Disruptions could shut down businesses and harm the economy.
A mobile water solution from GE helps treat wastewater during routine maintenance that required a shutdown.
The new system gives all city residents and businesses access to recycling and expanded compost collection, according to Don't Waste LA, a coalition of community, environmental, faith, and labor organizations working to increase the city's recycling and composting.
In a Record of Decision published in March 2016, DOE's National Nuclear Security Administration announced that this amount of surplus plutonium at SRS would be "dispositioned" using the dilute and dispose approach.
"For the first time in a generation, we are able to restrict chemicals already in commerce that pose risks to public health and the environment," said Jim Jones, assistant administrator for the Office of Chemical Safety and Pollution Prevention.
Pruitt has been a fierce and outspoken challenger of environmental actions taken by President Obama's administration.
California Gov. Edmund G. Brown Jr. on Dec. 6 appointed Lauren Zeise director of the Office of Environmental Health Hazard Assessment at the California Environmental Protection Agency. Brown also appointed Lars Seifert, 42, of Imperial, to the Colorado River Basin Regional Water Quality Control Board.