News and Articles

NeighborWorks America Gives Mutual Housing Green Organization Designation

Program honors organizations with sustainable business practices that save money and improve the environment.

8nm Gold Nanoparticles Ideal for Recycling CO2

A research team from Brown University found this size is best and achieved 90 percent conversion of CO2 to CO.

Wasting Disease Plagues West Coast Starfish

Various news agencies are reporting starfish along the West Coast are dying in droves from a “wasting disease,” which turns the fish to “goo.”

Interpol Part of European E-waste Coalition

"The e-waste challenge has many facets. Illegal shipment is just one aspect, and it causes substantial losses of valuable resources. At the same time, the illegal trade in e-waste leads to extreme pollution cases at local dump sites," said Dr. Jaco Huisman, scientific coordinator of the project.

Keystone XL Pipeline Derailed?

Impatient oil companies associated with the project build rail terminals to deliver oil from western Canada to U.S. refineries in the Gulf Coast.

Container Recycling Rate Not Nearly Good Enough

"Between 1990 and 2010—a period that saw almost feverish growth and investment in municipal recycling programs, education and infrastructure—Americans have persisted in wasting more beverage containers than they've recycled," the Container Recycling Institute reports.

Illicit Gold Mines Destroying Peruvian Rainforest

The average annual rate of forest loss has tripled since 2008, when the price of gold soared.

Congenerattion offers efficiency and a waste-to-energy path.

The Future of Cogeneration is Green

Gas-fired cogen plants are common, but biomass-fueled plants have the added benefit of using a renewable, practically inexhaustible fuel source.

Ethiopia Power's Up Africa's Largest Wind Farm

Harmony between wind and water boosts power production

EPA Fines School Bus Company $33K for Excessive Idling

Idling buses burn about one-half gallon of diesel per hour, pose health hazard to kids & drivers and spew greenhouse gas unnecessarily

Simple Tools Rival High-Tech Devices

Local communities using tools like ropes and sticks produce forest carbon data on par with professional foresters

EIA Releases Carbon Dioxide 2012 Report

The U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA) has released its carbon dioxide report, with information for 2012.

New NRDC Campaign Helps Schools Receive Solar Power

The Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC) has launched a crowd-funding campaign to support a new initiative to help schools purchase and install rooftop solar systems that can provide clean, renewable energy.

Wildfire Smoke's Effects Range Far and Wide

"The clear takeaway is that wildfires, smoke, and the conditions that increase fire risk are national health concerns that spread well beyond the borders of local fire perimeters, conditions that are only projected to worsen with climate change," a new NRDC report says.

Communities Across Six States Receive EPA Funding for Water Pollution and More

Various communities in Arizona, Indiana, Michigan, Nebraska, Rhode Island, and South Carolina received $400,000 in grants to help combat water pollution and climate change.

Less Gas, More Drive

Sales of plug-in hybrid and battery electric cars rose significantly last year.

Purdue University Receives Two Environmental Awards from GE

GE helped Purdue University in West Lafayette, Ind., enhance the safety of its campus community by reducing the use of acid and caustic chemicals in the university’s utility plant.

Rising from the Deep

The esoteric oarfish made its presence public on two separate occasions, at two separate Southern California beaches and in less than one week. The first, an 18-foot body, was found dead October 13, 2013 floating near Tayon Bay on California’s Catalina Island. The second, a 14-footer, was found washed ashore October 18 on an Oceanside beach. The distance between the two California beaches is approximately 50 nautical miles.

Gray China

According to the World Health Organization, chronic exposure to high concentrations of these particles increases the risks for cardiovascular and repository diseases, as well as lung cancer.

Supreme Court to Rule on EPA

EPA v US Power Trade

Environment News Service reported yesterday the U.S. Supreme Court will review an appeals court ruling that unanimously upheld the Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) right to regulate greenhouse gases emitted from power plants and factories. The legal action was brought by the Utility Air Regulatory Group, a power company trade association, and the attorney generals of 13 states.