The retailer releases the Sustainable Product Standard, which assesses the safety of beauty products, cleaners and baby care products and aims to force manufacturers to eliminate harmful chemicals used in the products.
Strict discharge regulations and the need to reuse the treated water led Bashneft to choose GE's technology for its new wastewater treatment plant.
- By Water & Wastewater News Staff
The $1.5 billion Catskill/Delaware UV Facility provides treatment specifically for Cryptosporidium and Giardia microorganisms. New York City officials committed to build the facility in 2002, before EPA issued a rule requiring such treatment for surface water supplies.
The Montana Department of Environmental Quality proposes to grant an operating permit and already issued a final Montana Pollutant Discharge Elimination System permit that allows the joint venture to discharge treated mine dewatering water into three creeks near the mine.
Today's material includes cleaning fluids, pesticides, mercury thermometers and thermostats, fluorescent bulbs, lithium and button batteries, aerosols, adhesives, medications, brake fluid, swimming pool chemicals, and paint thinner.
The Florida Department of Environmental Protection announced nearly 20,000 cubic yards of solid waste at the Panama City site has been cleaned up, and it is no longer an environmental hazard.
The Utah Department of Environmental Quality proposes to issue a Utah Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (UPDES) permit for the facility, which will replace an existing lagoon system.
The state agency released a guidance document and an online learning module this month that cover available collection programs and appropriate disposal methods.
A researcher from Texas A&M University has simplified the task of counting shellfish by creating a cellphone app that uses GPS, making tracking over-harvested populations of the species simpler than ever. The app may one day help scientists track other marine life.
Milwaukee, like many cities, is working to upgrade and separate their complex sewer system. As part of the upgrade, a 4,500-foot section of an existing combined sewer was identified as needing rehabilitation.
After Hurricane Sandy hit New Jersey last year, wastewater collection and treatment systems are still in need of repair. It was announced earlier this week that Nassau County Department of Public Works selected a joint venture to help stabilize, design, and rebuild those wastewater systems.
Honeywell and Siemens are among 13 companies chosen by the Army Corps of Engineers to build biomass-fueled energy projects. Their selection completed the first round for all four technologies, including geothermal, solar, and wind companies.
PEAT International has successfully commissioned a Plasma Thermal Destruction and Recovery (PTDR) systems in Shanghai, China. The system was designed to deconstruct medical waste and oil refinery sludge.
The International Energy Agency’s 2013 edition of the Key World Energy Statistics is now available for download. The booklet shows the energy consumption, production, and transformation in more than 140 countries.
Shortage of Ingredient May Cause Power Disruption
Research shows damage to air quality and possible radiation risks also occur.
Why drilling mud is an essential component of the drilling process.
The Samara State Technical University research involves water phytoremediation with the use of Myriophyllum Verticillatum.
- By Alina Kopnina, Olga Zavodskaya
The rufa red knot, a shorebird the size of a robin, has been listed as a threatened species under the Endangered Species Act. The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service made the announcement on Friday, September 27.