Fall 2013 classes in Environment Health and Safety are now available for enrollment at UC Davis.
ABB, a power and automation technology group, plans to start production of central inverters in South Africa to support the rapidly growing local photovoltaic (PV) market and local content requirements.
By using GE technology, a power plant in Texas has saved more than $1 million a year in operational expenses since 2010. The plant has recently been honored with GE’s Return on Environment Award.
The American Chemistry Council (ACC) held a forum yesterday with Congressman Tim Murphy, chemical industry leaders, and stakeholders to discuss the ACC’s new Responsible Care Product Safety Code.
On Monday, June 3, MS Turanor PlanetSolar will be making its way to the Sunset Harbour Yacht Club in Miami Beach, Fla. This is the first time the largest solar powered boat will be in the U.S.
The 2013 Gasification Technologies Conference will feature the latest updates on technological improvements, groundbreaking research, and important trends influencing the industry.
The AMS will assemble leading members of the climate science and finance communities on June 3-4, 2013 in Washington D.C. to explore climate information needs for financial decision-making.
Angel Haus Condominium, a condo community in Purgatory’s Durango Mountain Resort, Colorado, has replaced its water softener with the computerized, electronic, water-conditioner Scalewatcher from Scalewatcher North America.
Beginning today until Thursday, McNeilus is displaying 12 industry-leading refuse vehicles at the Waste Expo. The lightweight front end loader prototype and Excalibre cylinder demo are booth highlights at the event.
The Elm Street Pump Station application is unique in that the tertiary treated effluent produced by RCWD’s existing Water Reclamation Facility will actually be used to feed the on-site sodium hypochlorite generation system following pretreatment utilizing a Reverse Osmosis system.
In a new study conducted by WHOI scientists, a “patient monitoring” device was attached to a whale that was entangled in fishing line. As a result of being tangled in the line, the whale’s ability to eat and migrate was directly affected, resulting in a slow death for the animal.
Skin cancer has become the most common type of cancer in the U.S., and if current trends continue 20 percent of all Americans could be diagnosed with the disease in their lifetimes. The EPA urges people to take action and protect themselves against the sun.
Court documents indicated Connie M. Knight required each attendee to pay between $150 and $300 cash to enter a class and at least 950 people were victims of her crimes in the Eastern District of Louisiana.
GE will be providing its ZeeWeed 500 Membrane Technology to the largest European drinking water plant, located in Italy. This water technology will provide additional potable water for the residents of Ravenna, Italy, with the capacity to treat 95 million liters of water per day.
The U.S. Senate has passed the Water Infrastructure Finance and Innovation Authority (WIFIA), which will help with the country’s water infrastructure shortcomings. The legislature is now awaiting approval from the House of Representatives, but is already gaining bipartisan support.
Researchers have found a low-grade cotton from West Texas that might be able to clean oil spills more effectively and more eco-friendly than other methods currently in use. According to the study, one pound of the cotton can soak up more than 30 pounds of oil.
Sanitation District No.1 (SD1) of Northern Kentucky is the second largest public sewer utility in Kentucky with a service area that covers approximately 220 square miles. It is responsible for the collection and treatment of northern Kentucky's wastewater, as well as regional storm water management.
Gina McCarthy's nomination to head the agency was passed on a party-line vote Thursday by the Environment and Public Works Committee after Ranking Member David Vitter and seven colleagues ended their brief boycott.
According to a major new report on U.S. power plant emissions from the top 100 power producers, it shows that the electric industry cut emissions of NOx, SO2 and CO2 in 2011 even as overall electricity generation increased, largely due to increased use of natural gas and growing reliance on renewable energy.
The National Fish and Wildlife Foundation (NFWF) has kicked off the Gulf Environmental Fund today, in which the foundation will execute $2.544 billion in plea agreements from the 2010 BP Deepwater Horizon oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico.