Energy and Climate Change

The Lancaster, named for the California city where it is manufactured, is the world

60-Foot Battery-Electric Bus Unveiled

BYD Motors introduced "The Lancaster" this month at the 2014 American Public Transportation Association Expo in Houston. It's the world's largest battery-electric vehicle, according to the manufacturer.


NRC Staff Report Reignites Yucca Mountain Debate

How the 2014 midterm U.S. elections go may well determine whether the nuclear waste storage project in Nevada goes forward, four years after the Obama administration halted it.

Waste Isolation Pilot Plant Closer to Resuming Operations

Final inspections of WIPP's primary waste hoist began Oct. 7, and a town hall meeting has been scheduled for Oct. 16 to update residents about the recovery process.

Taking Advantage of Verizon Wireless' E-Waste Program

All you need to do, as the owner, is appraise the device based on its condition, model, and manufacturer and then send it in to Verizon with a pre-paid envelope.

Large Wind Project to Begin in Maine

Renewable energy company First Wind will begin a 148 MW wind project in Aroostook and Penobscot counties of Maine that will create construction jobs while boosting community revenues and provide significant tax revenues.

Pennsylvania Awards Grants for Alternative Fuel Vehicles

As a way to help combat air pollution, the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection has awards 33 incentive grants for alternative fuel vehicles. Additional grants have also been awarded for innovative alternative fuel projects.

This is an architectural drawing of the new NIST "intelligent agents" lab for developing and testing more efficient building control systems. (Kikkeri/NIST image)

Smart Software Project Aims to Cut Buildings' Voracious Energy Appetite

The National Institute of Standards and Technology is converting one of its laboratories into a small office building to try out smart software technologies that will be designed to reduce energy use in commercial buildings.

Halliburton Settles Deepwater Horizon Claims

The settlement is approximately $1.1 billion, which includes legal fees and is subject to approval by a U.S. district judge in New Orleans.

New Process Could Make Renewables Production Easier

A new study from the National Renewable Energy Laboratory explores the conversion of lignin into renewable chemicals, fuels, and materials that could help sustain the energy economy.

EU Testing Software to Cut Airports' Emissions, Energy Costs

The CASCADE system has been pilot tested in the Rome and Milan airports and will save them $1.1 million per year, the European Commission announced July 28.

USDA Loans Funding Rural Utilities' Smart Grid Improvements

Rural electric systems in eight states will benefit from $236.3 million in USDA loan guarantees to help them modernize and improve reliability, Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack announced July 16.

Nine Proposals Received for Unleaded General Aviation Gas

The Federal Aviation Administration hopes to work with industry to produce a new unleaded fuel by 2018.

Sand Becomes Key Ingredient in Lithium Ion Batteries

Sand Becomes Key Ingredient in Lithium Ion Batteries

A team of researchers has developed a new lithium ion battery from sand, resulting in a battery three times more powerful than the standard.

NRC Extends Comment Period on LLRW Program Changes

The agency's staff will develop an updated strategic assessment of the Low Level Radioactive Waste Regulatory Program, revising the alternative future disposal scenarios specified in the prior, 2007 strategic assessment.

Energy Department Invests Millions in Clean Energy Ventures

The Energy Department has invested more than $3 million to aid small businesses and entrepreneur communities that are working toward clean energy.

Geothermal Power Costs and Benefits Examined

The Geothermal Energy Association released a new paper that explores the public economic costs and benefits of geothermal energy.

Public Transit in Pennsylvania to Become Energy Producer

Public Transit in Pennsylvania to Become Energy Producer

A pilot program of a public transit energy storage system (ESS) has been launched in Pennsylvania. The program would make the Southeastern Pennsylvania Transit Authority a producer of energy, rather than an energy consumer.

Today, the EPA has released a proposal that will place tough emissions limits on coal-fired power plants, which is expected to cut carbon emissions by 30 percent.

EPA Limits Coal-Fired Power Plants to Reduce Carbon Emissions

Today, the EPA has released a proposal that will place tough emissions limits on coal-fired power plants, which is expected to cut carbon emissions by 30 percent.

ReGreen has successfully completed one of the largest multi-family portfolio solar installations of the decade in only 6 months.

Largest Solar Thermal Installation of the Decade Completed on Apartment Complex

ReGreen has successfully completed one of the largest multi-family portfolio solar installations of the decade in only 6 months.

Boston-Cambridge Sustainable Energy Project Commemorated

The “Green Steam” project advances environmental goals and enhances economic competitiveness –– avoiding 475,000 tons of carbon/year, equal to removing 80,000 cars.