Energy and Climate Change

The natural gas drilling boom in the United States has a significant environmental impact.

Natural Gas: Part of the Solution or Part of the Problem?

The recent fracking boom may do more harm than good for the climate if the U.S. EPA doesn’t do a better job of regulating methane releases. Even if it does, will cheap natural gas displace cleaner energy options like wind and solar?

NY Working Hard to Catch up with CA's Energy Storage Requirements

The U.S. government clearly wants to create a substantial energy storage marketplace and is laying the groundwork to make this a reality.

ABB Wins Zayed Future Energy Prize

ABB, the global power and automation technology group, has been awarded the Zayed Future Energy Prize 2014 in recognition of its efforts to drive innovation, renewable energy and energy efficiency.

Army to Prepare EIS For Schofield Generating Station Project

The 50 MW power generation plant at the Schofield Barracks would be leased to the Hawaiian Electric Company and would burn a mixture of biofuel and diesel.

Google Invests $75 Million in Texas Wind Farms

Panhandle 2, a wind farm just outside of Amarillo, Texas, has received a $75 million investment from Google. This is Google’s 15th renewable energy investment, and their second in the Lone Star State.

Will a plan to ship coal—the leading source of CO2 pollution—from Montana to China be halted following environmental review by two federal agencies, amid early signs that China might be stepping away from coal as preferred energy source?

Will Montana Coal Go to China?

Will a plan to ship coal—the leading source of CO2 pollution—from Montana to China be halted following environmental review by two federal agencies, amid early signs that China might be stepping away from coal as preferred energy source?

Coal interests fiercely oppose EPA

Regulation of Carbon Emissions for Existing Power Plants Under the Clean Air Act

Will EPA finally propose regulations that significantly reduce carbon emissions from existing coal-fired power plants?

BSEE Soliciting Oil Spill Response Research Papers

BSEE Oil Spill Response Division Chief David Moore said the agency hopes "to spur further innovation and to improve upon the techniques and technology available to respond to potential oil spills."

Former BP Engineer Convicted in Deepwater Horizon Case

The Department of Justice announced that a federal court jury convicted Kurt Mix, a former engineer for BP plc, on one count of obstruction of justice for intentionally destroying evidence requested by federal authorities investigating the accident.

President Obama’s awaited decision on the Keystone XL pipeline has become a proxy for the larger debate on climate change.

Obama's Decision on the Keystone XL Pipeline

President Obama’s awaited decision on the Keystone XL pipeline has become a proxy for the larger debate on climate change. Will Obama allow the pipeline to go forward?

Green Building Council's CEO Hails Renewables Memo

President Obama’s memorandum directing the federal government to consume 20 percent of its electricity from renewable sources by 2020 "will ensure the country is saving energy, reducing our carbon footprint, improving air quality, driving investment in clean technology, and creating jobs," Rick Fedrizzi said Dec. 5.

Hidden Climate Change Caused by Shale Gas Boom

EIP Announces Hidden Climate Change Impact to Fracking Boom

The recent shale gas boom has led to climate change impact in more than 90 new industrial plants, which are projected to emit greenhouse gases equal to 21 coal-fired power plants.

White House CEQ Chair Announces Departure

Nancy Sutley is leaving in February 2014, the White House announced.

The Province of Ontario is in the early days of a "supercycle" of activity to develop renewable energy sources.

Canada Preparing for $350 Billion Infrastructure Boom

The Province of Ontario's Green Energy Act of 2009 helped to ignite fast growth in the production of clean and renewable energy. Since 2009, the act has spawned more than 20,000 jobs.

Most comments are opposed to the proposed U.S. Coast Guard plan to let fracking waste water move by barge on inland waterways.

Barge Shipments of Fracking Waste Water Opposed

Dozens of comments urge the U.S. Coast Guard not to allow barge owners to ship shale gas extraction waste water via inland waterways, saying it is a threat to drinking water supplies.

Tesla Fires Could Affect Sustainable Transport Demand

Tesla Fires Could Affect Sustainable Transport Demand

As three fires have been reported on the Model S, Tesla manufacturer worries that false claims and negative press could harm the demand for sustainable transportation.

The TCEQ grant application workshops set in four Texas cities in December 2013 concern construction of new alternative fuels facilities or major renovations of existing facilities to dispense such fuels.

TCEQ Hosting Grant Application Workshops for Fueling Stations

The four workshops are taking place in December in Austin, Houston, San Antonio, and Arlington.

Engineers can use the facility to simulate 20 years

World-Class Wind Energy Testing Facility Opens in South Carolina

Officials from Clemson University, Duke Energy, SCE&G, and the U.S. Department of Energy participated in the dedication of the SCE&G Energy Innovation Center on Nov. 21.

This Gamesa photo was taken at its wind turbine blade manufacturing plant in Cuenca, Spain. (Gamesa Corporación Tecnológica photo)

Companies Call for Ambitious 2030 EU Renewables Target

Eight European leaders in producing energy and renewable energy technologies announced recently they want a legally binding target of more than 30 percent of the EU energy mix to be renewables.

New Renewable Fuel Standards Proposed by EPA

Developed with input from the U.S. Department of Energy and U.S. Department of Agriculture, EPA’s new proposal seeks public input on annual volume requirements for renewable fuels in all motor vehicle gasoline and diesel produced or imported by the United States in 2014.