Energy and Climate Change

Renewable Energy Data Book Now Available

The National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) has released a new renewable energy data book that assesses U.S. energy statistics for 2012, including renewable electricity, worldwide renewable energy development, clean energy investments, and data on specific technologies.

Bad News for Wind Farms

The Department of Justice announced Nov. 22 that Duke Energy Renewables Inc. pleaded guilty to violating the federal Migratory Bird Treaty Act for birds killed at its wind projects in Wyoming.

New Report Explores Resiliency of Water and Electric Utilities

Thought leaders explore opportunities for transformational solutions to maximize resource efficiency.

Appeals Court Halts Nuclear Waste Storage Fees

As long as the federal government has no viable alternative to Yucca Mountain for storing nuclear waste, power plant operators should not be charged annual fees for the cost of that disposal, the judges ruled.

UN to Coal Industry: Radically Change and Diversify

Citing fiduciary responsibility to workforce and shareholders, UN’s Figueres urges coal industry “look past next quarter’s bottom line and see the next generation’s bottom line.”.

Small Monthly Fee Approved in AZ Residential Solar Showdown

The Arizona Corporation Commission voted 3-2 to approve a monthly charge by the utility Arizona Public Service Co. of 70 cents per kilowatt, on customers who install rooftop solar panels after Jan. 1, 2014.

Earth Day Texas

The Lone Star State seeks environmental awareness.

Keystone Activists Greet Obama in Dallas

Activists met President Obama yesterday as he arrived at a fundraiser in Dallas, to call on him to reject the Keystone XL tar sands pipeline.

Keystone XL Pipeline Derailed?

Impatient oil companies associated with the project build rail terminals to deliver oil from western Canada to U.S. refineries in the Gulf Coast.

Congenerattion offers efficiency and a waste-to-energy path.

The Future of Cogeneration is Green

Gas-fired cogen plants are common, but biomass-fueled plants have the added benefit of using a renewable, practically inexhaustible fuel source.

Ethiopia Power's Up Africa's Largest Wind Farm

Harmony between wind and water boosts power production

EIA Releases Carbon Dioxide 2012 Report

The U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA) has released its carbon dioxide report, with information for 2012.

New NRDC Campaign Helps Schools Receive Solar Power

The Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC) has launched a crowd-funding campaign to support a new initiative to help schools purchase and install rooftop solar systems that can provide clean, renewable energy.

Gray China

According to the World Health Organization, chronic exposure to high concentrations of these particles increases the risks for cardiovascular and repository diseases, as well as lung cancer.

U.S. Army Moving Fast on Renewables

Honeywell and Siemens are among 13 companies chosen by the Army Corps of Engineers to build biomass-fueled energy projects. Their selection completed the first round for all four technologies, including geothermal, solar, and wind companies.

See How Your Country’s Energy Statistics Stack Up

The International Energy Agency’s 2013 edition of the Key World Energy Statistics is now available for download. The booklet shows the energy consumption, production, and transformation in more than 140 countries.

No Nuke Materials

Shortage of Ingredient May Cause Power Disruption

The Next Big Workforce: Nuclear Energy

The DOE puts $60 million into training then next generation’s nuclear energy leaders.

Will They Drill?

Whether or not the federal Bureau of Land Management will drill into The San Rafael Swell - a prized geological formation in Utah - remains an area of strong concern.

McCarthy, Moniz Discussing Climate Action Plan Today

The EPA administrator and secretary of energy will participate in a White House Google+ Hangout starting at 12:15 p.m. EDT.