Energy and Climate Change

EPA Announces 2023 Top Cities for ENERGY STAR Buildings

EPA Announces 2023 Top Cities for ENERGY STAR Buildings

These buildings save millions of metric tons of greenhouse gas emissions every year.

sun shining down on lake with dam. to the right of the lake are windmills, and to the right of those are solar panels

Coal Now Economically Outmatched by Renewables

Renewable energy is predicted to make $2.97 trillion by 2030.

How Can Businesses Move From Incremental to Bold Climate Action?

How Can Businesses Move From Incremental to Bold Climate Action?

The time to take small actions is gone. It's time to take bold steps now.

Environment Benefits of Solar Panels

Environment Benefits of Solar Panels

These devices can decrease emissions, improve air quality and limit global warming.

The Benefits of Renewables for Energy

The Benefits of Renewables for Energy

Renewables come with an array of benefits, but why might they be the better option for energy? Read on to find out.

Increasing Worker Safety in the Renewable Energy Industry

Increasing Worker Safety in the Renewable Energy Industry

As renewable energy use becomes more common, protecting those who work in the industry should be a priority.

Supreme Court Case Over Oil Drilling Begins in Norway

Supreme Court Case Over Oil Drilling Begins in Norway

Environmentalists in Norway are suing to prevent further oil drilling in the country on the grounds of a constitutional violation.

Artificial Nighttime Light Contributes to Light Pollution, Says New Study

Artificial Nighttime Light Contributes to Light Pollution, Says New Study

A new study by a German physicist communicates the large amount of unnatural light used at night across the globe.

Renewable Energy Options for Your Business

Renewable Energy Options for Your Business

Renewable energy for business is the future.

Big Tech Companies are Making Climate Change Commitments, but Are They Actually Impactful?

Big Tech Companies are Making Climate Change Commitments, but Are They Actually Impactful?

Many large companies like Apple, Amazon and Microsoft are rethinking their supply chains and carbon footprints after pressure from consumers and employees to address their role in climate change. Here’s what these groups are doing, and experts’ take on their effectiveness.

The Coronavirus is Making it Easier to Talk About Climate Change. Here’s Why.

The Coronavirus is Making it Easier to Talk About Climate Change. Here’s Why.

While news headlines regarding pandemic have all but flooded the media for months, many are noticing the increasingly obvious connections between the virus and the climate crisis. Climate policymaker Rhiana Gunn-Wright helps point out the connections between two of the biggest crises of our day.

Will Businesses Become Greener After COVID?

Will Businesses Become Greener After COVID?

As the pandemic continues, the need for environmentalism shows the overlap between health, sustainability and business. It is up to businesses to adapt, and improve.

Should Your Business Hire an Energy Consultant?

Energy consultants can help you make sustainable, eco-friendly decisions for your company. Here's what you should consider when hiring an energy consultant for your business.

Coronavirus Has Decreased Air Pollution, but Cars Are not the Whole Pollution Picture

Coronavirus Has Decreased Air Pollution, but Cars Are not the Whole Pollution Picture

The pandemic has meant less car pollution, but not much of a decrease in overall pollution. Why? Because car pollution is just one player.

For the First Time, Renewable Energy is Expected to Surpass Coal in the U.S.

For the First Time, Renewable Energy is Expected to Surpass Coal in the U.S.

The coronavirus pandemic has caused hardships on many industries—the fossil fuel and clean energy industries alike. However, this is the first time in history that renewable energy use is expected to eclipse coal reliance in the U.S., and its effects on climate change are big.

As Wind Power in the US Gains Traction, the Coronavirus is Complicating Matters

As Wind Power in the US Gains Traction, the Coronavirus is Complicating Matters

A report from the American Wind Energy Association (AWEA) reports that the first quarter of this year has been very promising for the wind energy industry. However, the coronavirus is casting a shadow over the sector.

Emissions Declines Set New Records—and Cause Worry

Emissions Declines Set New Records——and Cause Worry

Research suggests that a nearly eight percent in overall fossil fuel use, driven by the coronavirus pandemic, is both record-setting and worrysome.

Reduce Your Carbon Footprint at Home—While Social Distancing

Reduce Your Carbon Footprint at Home—While Social Distancing

Just because you are at home, cooking more and testing your boredom does not mean you should forget about your carbon footprint reduction checklist. Here are the New York Times’ best at-home, eco-friendly steps that are easy.

COVID-19 Pandemic Shows How Important Energy Equality Is

COVID-19 Pandemic Shows How Important Energy Equality Is

The energy sector, in particular, has a unique relationship with the coronavirus, and this pandemic is highlighting the importance of energy equality.

COVID-19 and Climate Change: The Unexpected Pairing

COVID-19 and Climate Change: The Unexpected Pairing

The worldwide pandemic has had some unexpected effects on climate change. The question is: can the world learn from it?