Energy and Climate Change

Industry Leaders Form Association to Promote Biocoal

Clean-technology companies, industrial users and research institutions in Germany and Switzerland have together founded Hydrothermale Carbonisierung e.V. The aim of the association is to promote the use of hydrothermal carbonization.

DoE Awards Nearly $7.5 Million to Help Develop Next-generation Wind Turbines

Six projects in four states will receive nearly $7.5 million over two years to advance next-generation designs for wind turbine drivetrains.

iPhone App Helps Alternative Energy-Using Homeowners Manage Power Consumption

Computer science researchers at the University of Arkansas and University of San Francisco have developed an automated energy-management system that monitors energy generation and consumption in off-grid and grid-tied homes that use solar energy or wind power.

Fuel From Straw or Sawdust?

Researchers at the University of Calgary’s Schulich School of Engineering are developing new ways to produce biofuel from organic waste in a sustainable and affordable way.

DOE Awards More Than $11 Million to Advance Geothermal Energy Technologies

U.S. Energy Secretary Steven Chu announced that eight projects in five states - California, Connecticut, Louisiana, Texas, and Utah - have been selected to receive up to $11.3 million to support the research and development of pioneering geothermal technologies.

FOIA Lawsuit Targets DOE for Failing to Release Congressionally Ordered Water Energy Roadmap

A report ordered by Congress in 2005 on the connection between U.S. energy production and demands on water supplies is the target of a Freedom of Information Action lawsuit filed by Civil Society Institute against the U.S. Department of Energy.

How to Predict Fluctuations in the Solar Grid Caused by Changes in Cloud Cover

How does the power output from solar panels fluctuate when the clouds roll in? And can researchers predict these fluctuations? UC San Diego researchers have found the answer to these questions.

Mega-dam in Peruvian Amazon Cancelled

The Peruvian government announced that the massive Inambari Dam, planned on a major Amazonian tributary, has been canceled after years of strong community opposition.

Let There be Light

As part of the Change the World Challenge competition sponsored by the Office of Entrepreneurship each semester, Rensselaer University students select a topic from a range of challenges with the potential to improve human life, and offer an innovative and sustainable solution to that challenge.

DOJ, Calif. Agencies File Against Greka Oil & Gas Inc. for Oil Spills

Alleging that the company violated federal and state water laws, The United States, the California Department of Fish and Game and the California Regional Water Quality Control Board, Central Coast Region, filed a civil complaint in federal court against Greka Oil & Gas Inc. (now known as HVI Cat Canyon Inc.).

Even Green Energy Wind Farms are Bigger in Texas

Texas has a global reputation for being home to major oil and natural gas fields, but the winds of change have brought a new energy player to the Lone Star State: wind energy.

Natural Gas Taxis Heading to Los Angeles and Chicago

Two taxicab companies in Los Angeles area order nearly 120 Ford Transit Connect Taxis to operate on compressed natural gas, and 12 CNG-powered Transit Connect Taxis hit the streets of Chicago.

Expert: Shutting Down U.S. Nuclear Plants Would Have Daunting Effect on Economy, Environment

Shifting from nuclear to other types of power plants could affect the reliability of the electricity supply, electricity costs, air pollution, carbon emissions, and the reliance on fossil fuels like coal and natural gas, the researchers said.

Virginia Tech Wins EcoCAR Competition With an ExtendedRange Electric Vehicle

Students from Virginia Tech University learned last night that their teamwork, perseverance and hard work have led to top honors when they were named the overall winners of EcoCAR: The NeXt Challenge after designing and building an exceptional extended-range electric vehicle (EREV) using E85 (ethanol).

Turning Hot Air into Energy Savings

A team of students from the Bourns College of Engineering at the University of California, Riverside, have been selected for a $15,000 EPA grant to develop a system that could cut electricity bills up to 16 percent by using heat from the sun and attic to operate a clothes dryer.

RGGI Auction Yields Maine $769k to Invest in Energy-Efficiency, Renewable Energy

Maine yielded $769,092 of the $25.5 million in investment created by the proceeds from the 10-state cap-and-trade collaborative’s 12th auction of carbon credits. That money will be managed by the Efficiency Maine Trust to fund programs to improve energy efficiency, accelerate the deployment of renewable energy technologies, and provide direct assistance to energy consumers.

Coal-Fired Calif. Power Plant Approved to Convert to Biomass Fuels

DTE Energy Services Inc. recently received approval from the San Joaquin Valley Air Pollution Control District to convert an existing coal-fired power plant at the Port of Stockton to operate on biomass fuel.

New Biofuel Sustainability Assessment Tool and Greenhouse Gas Calculator Released

Researchers at Empa, the Swiss Federal Laboratories for Materials Science and Technology, have together with their colleagues at the Swiss Roundtable on Sustainable Biofuels (RSB) and the HTW Berlin, Germany, developed an online tool to assess the sustainability of biofuel production.

Solar Photovoltaics Poised to Challenge Fossil Fuels: IEEE Solar Experts

Within the next 10 years, solar photovoltaic (PV) systems have the potential to be the most economical form of generating electricity, even compared to traditional fossil fuels, say solar energy experts from IEEE, the world's largest technical professional association.

Smart Grid Solutions Will Meet 20 Percent of Electricity Demand by 2020: Honeywell

Within the next decade, more than 20 percent of electrical demand in the United States is expected to be met by building operators and homeowners more effectively optimizing their energy consumption and resources in collaboration with their utilities, say energy experts at Honeywell.