Energy and Climate Change


NSF Grant Will Bring BlueInGreen Oxygen Technology to Gulf

SDOX, which was developed using National Science Foundation funds, supports bioremediation and will help in restoring Gulf of Mexico habitats.

Scientists Test Dispersants, Say Unlikely to Be Endocrine Disruptors

EPA and NIH scientist used rapid screening method to determine whether the oil dispersants used in the Gulf of Mexico and others could harm marine life.

EERC's John Harju Joins National Petroleum Council

The council will study future transportation fuels and prudent development of North American natural gas and oil resources during the 2010-2011 term.

ABC Report: Many Gulf Spill Cleanup Efforts Harming Birds

New report from the American Bird Conservancy offers recommendations; Fish & Wildlife Service seeks public help to ensure health of migratory birds.

Sembcorp to Expand Desalination Capacity in UAE

The new facility, to be operational before the end of 2013, will add about 30 million imperial gallons per day of water production capacity.

New Bedford Gets $1 M for Shore-side Power Electrification Project

Two New Bedford Harbor fishing piers will install marine power pedestals that will provide electricity to vessels, eliminating the need to idle diesel engines and thereby lower emissions of particulate matter and other gases.

Air Study Finds No Harmful Levels of Benzene at Texas Gas Sites

The Barnett Shale Energy Education Council hired Titan Engineering to evaluate emissions near Fort Worth and Arlington.

Beyond Petroleum

Commentary: Beyond Petroleum Case Makes Pitfalls of Greenwashing Crystal Clear

Professors' study suggests Environmental Management Systems would be more productive in creating corporate transparency.

Solar Power Surge Prompts TEP to Lower Program Rebates

The prices of installed PV systems in the Tucson area have dropped to about $5 per watt from nearly $12 per watt in 2006.

NYC Unveils First Public Electric Vehicle Charging Station

New Yorkers can now plug their electric vehicles into a charger at an Edison ParkFast location.

Texas Groups Plan Suit against LCRA for Clean Air Violations

The Environmental Integrity Project, Texas Campaign for the Environment and Environment Texas filed a notice of intent to sue to the Lower Colorado River Authority for its Fayette Power Project's inability to even meet flexible air permit standards.

Coalition Releases Annual Clean Beaches List

Gulf oil spill has devastating effect on qualifying coasts in Mississippi and Alabama.

Oil Decontamination System Ready to Clean Watercraft, Vehicles

Hydro Engineering's portable, modular wash rack collects wastewater and oil.

Solar Laminate Home Meets Passive Energy Requirements

The Lafayette home of Corey Saft, an architecture professor at the University of Louisiana, will serve as an urban prototype that demonstrates a 90 percent reduction in energy usage over homes built to current code.

Baltimore Gas & Electric Requests Rehearing on Smart Grid Proposal

Company cites need for expeditious review by July 30 to preserve a $200 million federal stimulus grant.

Study: Natural Gas Price Reform Will Facilitate Carbon Tax Policy

The fee structure suggested by two University of California professors covers fixed costs and actual consumption.

EPA Sets Cellulosic Biofuels Volume below Target

The proposed 2011 percentage standards also would require foreign feedstocks to be treated like domestic feedstocks.

ORSANCO Proposes Changes, Alliance Fears Mercury Pollution in River

The Ohio River Valley Water Sanitation Commission is responding to a gap in technology while the Kentucky Waterways Alliance voices its concern for the river.

Wandering the Web

This week's new or improved websites cover smart grid, integrated environmental modeling, ISO/AS certification and more. Feel free to rate a site after you have visited it or even suggest one for discussion. If we get enough positive feedback, we may add the most useful sites to Environmental Protection's Industry Links.

University of Adelaide Tries Ultrasound on Blue Green Algae

Researchers hope to find the amplitudes and frequences that will immobilize cyanobacteria without release its toxins.