Energy and Climate Change

BP Responds to EPA Directive on Dispersants

Company says it doesn't have enough information on alternative dispersants nor are sufficient quantities currently available.

Fuel Conversion Approval to be Based on Vehicle Age

EPA is hoping this approach will streamline the process and make it easier for manufacturers to gain approval to sell their conversion systems.

River Mountains Facility Now Powered by the Nevada Sun

Amonix, SNWA build a concentrated photovoltaic solar energy plant to help power the water treatment facility.

AMP to Retire Gorsuch Coal Plant to Settle CAA Issues

American Municipal Power will also spend $15 million on a mitigation project and pay a $850,000 civil penalty to settle alleged New Source Review violations.

Mississippi Breaks Ground on Solar-powered Affordable Housing

Jackson Housing Authority, with Duvall Decker Architects, P.A., combines sustainability, energy-efficiency, durability, and livable housing with infrastructure improvements while remaining economical.

Sewage Sludge Could be a Competitive Feedstock for Biodiesel

EPA's Kargbo says the United States produces 7 million tons of sewage sludge a year, but making it a biofuel resource will not be easy.

EPA: BP Must Find Less Toxic Dispersant to Manage Oil

Due to the volume of dispersant being applied, EPA is requiring BP to identify a more environmentally friendly substitute.

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Harnessing Sun and Wind Energy for Water Treatment

A green commitment delivers clean, reliable, cost-saving power to American Water.

Wolf Street Block Wins 'Cool Roof'; Philadelphia Aims to Be Greenest City

Mayor Nutter signs bill requiring energy efficient reflective roofs or green roofs on all new no- and low-slope roofs in the city.

Ceres Report: Oil Sands Face Greater Risks than Gulf Spill

The energy- and water-intensive nature of oil sands, combined with climate change regulations, permitting obstacles and other challenges, are a recipe for diminishing revenues and returns.

National Labs Examine Chemical Pathways in Biofuel Combustion

The research team used a combination of laser spectroscopy, mass spectrometry and flame chemistry modeling to explore the decomposition and oxidation mechanisms of certain biofuels and the formation of harmful or toxic emissions.

TCEQ Names Environmental Excellence Winners

Texas Lehigh Cement Company, Oncor Electric, and Phoenix Commotion earn the Texas Environmental Excellence Award for 2010.

Budd Inlet Plant Cogeneration System Uses Methane for Heat, Energy

Energy conservation grants helped to fund upgrade, including an aeration blower retrofit.

Report: No New Laws Needed to Make U.S. Buildings Green

A U.S. Green Building Council legal analysis points to existing programs that the Obama administration could use to enhance efficiency in buildings and homes.

Massachusetts Class Video Wins Green School Title

South Shore Charter Public School won a hybrid school bus, a green audit, and money for scholarship and class supplies.

Northeastern Students Build Waste Plastic-to-Fuel Combustor

Pyrolysis converts the solid, non-biodegradable plastic into a gas, which is then burned with oxidants to generate heat and steam.

Jackson, Vilsack Promote Farm Energy Generation

The collaboration will provide up to $3.9 million over the next five years to help farms overcome obstacles preventing them from recovering and using biogas.

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It's Official: Fossil Fuels Don't Cost Less

National Academy of Sciences' cost accounting report reveals hidden costs, says solar and wind are competitive energy sources.