Energy and Climate Change

Biomass Power Plant to Be Built at Teeside, UK

The British government will allow MGT Power Limited to proceed with the development of a 295-MW biomass electricity plant.

U.S. Army Expands Use of GHG Management System

Military branch uses Enviance system to track and manage its greenhouse gas emissions.

Energy Company Wants to Donate Solar Arrays

Green Mountain Energy Company's Big Texas Sun Club will choose 2010 recipients from nonprofit applicants.

AllSAFE Comments on E-15 Fuel Waiver Application

Bifurcating the fuel supply would confuse consumers, according to the Alliance for a Safe Alternative Fuels Environment.

U.S. Trucks Lag Behind 'Greener' European Models

U.S. size and weight regulation are holding industry back, preliminary study results say.

Accidental Discovery May Lead to CO2 'Catchers'

Maryland researcher says genetically engineered microbes could be made to absorb carbon dioxide.

Waste2Tricity Names Arbon Board Chair

The company also announces joint venture with Thornton New Energy Ltd. to produce ultra low carbon emission electricity from coal.

A&WMA Explores Oil and Gas Impacts on Air Quality

The Air & Waste Management Association will present the conference Sept. 15-17 in Centennial, Colo.

Bay Area District Encourages Carpooling

Spare the Air campaign is designed to reduce the number of single occupancy vehicles on California highways.

Mississippi River Is Coastal Areas' Hottest Hotspot

University of California researchers say resource management and conservation won't work if they don't address the impacts of land-based human activity, particularly the mouth of the Mississippi River.

EPA, Businesses Agree on Timing of Texas Air Review

The agreement settles an August 2008 lawsuit requesting that EPA set deadlines.

Energy Star Homes Reach 17% Market Share for 2008

EPA says that number is an increase of 12% over 2007.

18 Cities Report Efforts to Lower GHG Emissions

Carbon Disclosure Project-ICLEI report says 18 cities are assessing government operations' greenhouse gas emissions and then implementing policies and programs citywide.

Scientists: Local Bodies Should OK Nuclear Waste Sites

In a recent Science article, Ewing and von Hippel say federal agencies should set standards, but local communities should exercise final approve of nuclear waste repositories.

Study Suggests Higher Runoff, Better Models Needed

Climate change models don't consider how carbon dioxide, ozone, and nitrogen may affect water cycle.

NEMA Says Smart Grid Grants Reflect Its Initiatives

The Department of Energy is offering a total of $3.3 billion in grants, and NEMA is offering its members a list of Smart Grid dockets and other information related to the grants.

DOE Says Goodbye to Incandescent Lighting

Effective 2012, the new minimum energy efficiency requirements will call for T12 lamps to replace T8 lamps in fluorescent applications and the use of highly efficiency halogen infrared technology in reflector lamps.