Energy and Climate Change

Wanted: Cities to Try Solar Street Lighting

Eco Alternative Solutions is offering a no-cost trial of its solar powered street light system to 25 cities.

From the Top: Q & A with Heiner Markhoff

Heiner Markhoff, president and chief executive officer of GE Water, a division of GE Power & Water, explains how he came to be leading the company and what he hopes to achieve.

Solar Society Calls for Supporters to Showcase Projects

This year's tour is slated for Oct. 3.

Consultant: Green Jobs Not an Automatic Fix

Author Jerry Yudelson climate change and the recession require thoughtful, carefully calculated solutions.

Part II: The Green Campus: Strategic Decisions

Delta College (Mich.) has a passel of green efforts under way, which could fall under all sorts of headings.

Feds to Coordinate to Train, Employ Workforce

The departments of Labor and Housing and Urban Development are encouraging boards and agencies to strengthen pathways to training and employment.