Energy and Climate Change

U.S. Appears 'Ready' for New Fuel Efficiency Policy

The White House noted that the program will provide certainty and predictability to 2016 and includes flexibility that will reduce the cost of compliance.

Pennsylvania Discounts Solar Costs for Homes, Businesses

The PA Sunshine Solar Program will provide rebates of up to 45 percent to home and business owners who install new solar technologies.

Study: MIT Model Runs Find Hotter Changes Afoot

The MIT Integrated Global Systems Model includes detailed treatment of possible changes in human acitivites.

EPA Extends E15 Application Comment Period

The current limit on the amount of ethanol that can be blended into a gallon of gasoline is 10 volume percent ethanol (E10) for conventional vehicles.

Emerson to Install SCADA System at Wind Farm

Portland General Electric Co. will use Ovation SCADA at the Biglow Canyon wind farm, whic is about 140 miles east of Portland, Ore.

McIlvaine: Address CO2 Capture for Power Plants Now

Delaying decisions on carbon dioxide mitigation will affect power plant management costs.

Noblis Offers GHG Analysis over the Web

The nonprofit science, technology, and strategy organization provides analytical tools to assess a company's sustainability status.

Mascoma Notes Cellulosic Biofuel Breakthrough

The company says it has made major advances in consolidated bioprocessing, a process that produces biofuels from cellulosic biomass.

Rentech Enters Engineering Phase for Synfuels Plant

Rialto Renewable Energy Center would provide about 600 barrels per day of renewable synthetic fuels.

Maryland Preparing to Implement GHG Reduction Act

The state must achieve a 25 percent reduction in emissions by 2020.

Investors Add $6 M to Seattle's Powerit Solutions

The company's Spara automated energy management system provides a facilitywide rules engine that leverages the flexibility of IP connectivity and the economy of wireless devices.

May 29 Is Deadline for Energy Efficiency Abstracts

ACEEE conference will cover aggressive resource goals, regulatory mechanisms, and integrated planning and operation.

Zayed $1.5-M Prize Rewards Energy Innovation

Companies, organizations, or individuals are eligible for nomination.

California Applies for Energy Funds, Breaks Ground on I-80 Project

Governor says California is first to apply for American Recovery and Reinvestment Act energy program funding.

Hydro Green Energy Wins Industry Award

The National Hydropower Association recognized Hydro Green Energy as a company that has "blazed new pathways to strengthen and invigorate the industry."