EPA said Permanent Siding and Windows, a contractor specializing in spray-on vinyl siding and replacing windows and doors, failed to provide the lead hazard information pamphlet to at least 17 owners or occupants before the company began renovation activities.
A national radiation lab is analyzing a sampling filter containing minuscule levels of an isotope from Hawaii consistent with the Japanese nuclear incident but still below levels of concern, EPA said.
The assessment shows that between 1990 and 2005, air toxic emissions were reduced by about 42 percent from industrial and mobile sources.
The certification is based on the e-Stewards Standard, which prohibits the export of hazardous waste from developed to developing countries, the disposal of toxic waste in solid waste landfills and incinerators, and the use of prison labor in the recycling of electronics.
Lawyers for the plaintiffs are seeking cleanup of benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene, and xylenes on property that formerly provided petroleum storage in above-ground tanks, most recently by Kinder Morgan.
Eighteen months after his appointment, Rubinstein earns Senate approval and pledges to practice responsible stewardship and grow the economy.
New Haven, Conn., chemical manufacturer H. Krevit and Co. will spend $36,000 on emergency response equipment for the fire department as part of the settlement in a right-to-know case.
BoreAid software and a Design and Engineering Calculator help engineers in the design and installation of polyethylene pipe.
Ed Begley Jr., and John Paul Woodley Jr., are scheduled to speak at the April conference.
The research centers will explore the health impacts on children and older citizens to determine which health effects occur at different life stages.
Newly introduced Continuing Chemical Facilities Antiterrorism Security Act does not include a requirement for inherently safer technologies.
Over the last three years, the federal laboratory has been developing a program to ensure that local professionals in the United Arab Emirates will be trained in safety and security concepts related to nuclear energy programs.
Here's a snapshot of personnel moves, mergers and acquisitions, and awards that were announced in February.
The standard for Ubiquitous Green Community Control Network Protocol is inspired by the desire of Chinese stakeholders to minimize their footprints.
Dow business units have submitted around 60 projects, with a net present value totaling more than $500 million, nearly 8 trillion BTUs of energy savings and a reduction of more than 400 thousand metric tons of CO2 emissions.
The American Glass Bead Manufacturers' Association, which sponsored the study, is urging states and the U.S. government to limit heavy metal levels in glass beads used for highway markings.
J&J Industries worked with the company to demonstrate the feasibility of removing chemical additives in large-scale carpet manufacturing so that facilities can reuse the water.
The agency said it expects to have the reporting tool available by this summer.
By selecting this conservation organization to implement the program, EPA seeks to improve the natural resources and socio-economic conditions in the Mid-Atlantic Highlands.
March 31 is the deadline for 10-K financial filings, which this year should include climate-related disclosures, based on the Securities and Exchange Commissions' guidance.