Officials announced the new resource for developing nations yesterday at the United Nations Climate Conference in Cancun, Mexico.
EPA discovered that a Brooklyn-based company has attempted to import candy-shaped mothballs from China that contain a toxic chemical and are not registered with EPA, as federal law requires, according to the agency. About 4800 brightly decorated bags of the product, called Fuji Lavender Moth Tablets, were discovered.
Tronox Inc. has agreed to resolve its environmental liabilities for $270 million and 88 percent of the company’s interest in pending litigation, according to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency.
The American Water Works Association's survey covers water and wastewater utilities of all sizes.
The Flushable Consumer Products Certification program provides a solution to clogging issues associated with wastewater treatment systems.
People-powered pump could help prevent spread of dysentery, cholera, and typhoid.
Following its initial screening list of 67 pesticide chemicals, the agency now turns it attention to chemicals found in solvents, gasoline, plastics, personal care products, other pesticides, and pharmaceuticals.
A Sodexo pilot program at eight college campuses has cut kitchen waste by about one-third by tracking and monitoring food waste, lowering both costs and unnecessary methane emissions from decomposing food.
SolarReserve LLC announced a joint venture with GCL Solar Energy Inc. to develop, build and operate solar photovoltaic facilities in the 5 megawatt- to 20 megawatt-sized range on 40 different sites across the United States.
Company plans to use funds to further expand its business in Europe and Asia.
In the past, pesticides were used to eliminate the problem, but as pest control practices have changed, the bedbug problem has grown. Experts note too that most bedbugs are homegrown and are being spread from belongings taken from one place to another.
Approximately 13 million metric tons of rare earth elements exist within known deposits in the United States, according to the first-ever nationwide estimate of these elements by the U.S. Geological Survey.
The U.S. Green Building Council has introduced a new program designed to streamline and create capacity for the LEED building certification process. LEED Automation enables LEED Online, the online tool projects use to submit documentation and certify LEED projects, to interact with third-party technology platforms.
ITT Corporation announced that it has completed its acquisition of O.I. Corporation for approximately $29 million. ITT values the contribution that OI will make to ITT’s Analytics business, which was formed earlier this year with the acquisition of Nova Analytics.
The global firm will seek to grow its business in developing countries while minimizing its environmental footprint.
Science Applications International Corporation has been awarded a task order by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency to provide hosting services to the agency's National Computer Center.
State-level leaders are building regional partnerships to accelerate work on the green economy while California recognizes the work in progress through its award program.
According to the company, its investigations have found no cases in which all the conditions of the malware would be fulfilled.
Mark Philbrick recommends an "anticipatory governance" approach, meaning nanotubes would be considered hazardous until their toxicity and behavior can be better understood.
The microsite shares information related to the identity and common uses of the additives and constituents generally involved in the hydraulic fracturing process.