The agency is reviewing air toxics standards and two new source performance standards and invites the public to comment at an Arlington, Texas, meeting on Aug. 2.
Using an actual project as a model, the Green Power Partnership will explain how to successfully execute a renewable energy strategy.
With $8.4 million in state funding, grant recipients will develop research wind farms and provide services to industry partners.
The company said a global Web-based environmental management system will help it measure greenhouse gas emission reductions.
Sen. Collins introduced an amendment to keep the Chemical Facility Anti-Terrorism Act alive for another three years.
The updated TCR would establish criteria for systems to qualify for and stay on reduced monitoring.
The World Resources Institute analysis claims that existing authorities could gear up to meet the Obama Administration’s emissions reduction target “in the range of” 17 percent below 2005 levels by 2020.
Sustainability initiatives require a clear, steadfast plan.
The Chemical Safety Board completed its report on the 2009 explosion at Veolia ES Technical Solutions' plant in Ohio and recommended the Center for Chemical Process Safety revise control room siting guidelines.
Champion Chemical, Imperial Oil and two former Imperial company officers will pay more than $1 million to satisfy the companies' obligations set forth in a 2001 consent decree.
The rural electric cooperative, which will upgrade controls at two coal-fired plants in Indiana, will pay a $950,000 penalty and spend $5 million on environmental projects.
The aquarium, Mote Marine Laboratory and Johns Hopkins University will document the state of natural resources before and possible damages after the Deepwater Horizon oil spill, should it reach the bay.
Regulatory review may help bridge the gap between technology and policy for oil drilling, historian suggests.
Joint investment with venture capital partners Emerald Technology Ventures, Foundation Capital, Kleiner Perkins Caufield & Byers and RockPort Capital Challenge is one of largest ever.
Mississippi State has developed a new test process to be reviewed by the Food and Drug Administration.
This clay uses resorcinol diphenyl phosphate, which makes it more attractive to use than quaternary amine-treated organoclays.
National Clean Fuels will help separate oil from contaminated water in the Gulf of Mexico with the help of newly engaged environmentalist Norris McDonald.
The InfraCal Biodiesel Blend Analyzer manufactured by Wilks Enterprise, Inc. will be used for compliance monitoring of a state-mandated biodiesel program.