Industry Trends


Ontario Researchers Find Mercury Increase in Lake Erie Game Fish

Study suggests invasive species may be to blame as increase appears to have occurred in the last 17 years.

Agency Calls for Brownfields Conference Presentations

Interested parties have until July 2 to submit proposals for educational sessions at the 14th National Brownfields Conference next April in Philadelphia.

EPA Releases 2011 Program Guidance for Five Offices

Strategic Plan won't be finalized until September, so adjustments may be needed.

Mississippi Breaks Ground on Solar-powered Affordable Housing

Jackson Housing Authority, with Duvall Decker Architects, P.A., combines sustainability, energy-efficiency, durability, and livable housing with infrastructure improvements while remaining economical.

EPA: BP Must Find Less Toxic Dispersant to Manage Oil

Due to the volume of dispersant being applied, EPA is requiring BP to identify a more environmentally friendly substitute.

Hurricane Study Unearths Prior Lead Problem in New Orleans

Texas Tech professor says the highest concentrations of lead and arsenic were observed in soils from the poorer parts of town.

Superior Court Judge Upholds Limits on Solano County Landfill Use

Ruling forces the California county to limit landfill use by municipalities outside of the county.

canal road

Harnessing Sun and Wind Energy for Water Treatment

A green commitment delivers clean, reliable, cost-saving power to American Water.

More Chemicals, Facilities Added to Public Database

Facility names, addresses, images, maps, and links are now available for another 3,800 chemical facilities regulated under TSCA.

Jackson Updates Senate Committee on BP Spill Work

EPA will closely monitor use of dispersants underwater at the source of the oil release.

Bacterial Colonization Process Earns Patent

EDI says the new enclosed wastewater treatment process will eliminate the need for settling basins, ponds, and lagoons.

Oswego to Invest $87 M in Sewers to Comply with Clean Water Act

Specific measures include at least a 75 percent separation of the combined system into sanitary and stormwater components, a 50 percent expansion of the west side wastewater treatment plant’s treatment capacity, and the disconnection of catch basins.

USDA to Fund Wetlands Conservation in 22 States, Puerto Rico

The Natural Resources Conservation Service program expects 75,000 more acres expected to be enrolled in Wetlands Reserve Program.

Coast Guard, EPA OK Subsea Use of Dispersant for Spill

The tactic is being used as the lesser of two difficult environmental outcomes, EPA Administrator Jackson said.

Ceres Report: Oil Sands Face Greater Risks than Gulf Spill

The energy- and water-intensive nature of oil sands, combined with climate change regulations, permitting obstacles and other challenges, are a recipe for diminishing revenues and returns.

New Jersey Asks Feds to Require Pennsylvania Plant to Cut Emissions

New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection petitions EPA to make the RRI Energy power plant across the Delaware River in Pennsylvania to install pollution controls to cut sulfur dioxide emissions.

Battelle Wins Army HaMMER Contract for Testing Technologies

The Hazard Mitigation, Material and Equipment Restoration contract award is first for Battelle under Edgewood Chemical and Biological Center’s omnibus contract.