Industry Trends

Indiana Study Finds Antimony Properties Not Similar to Arsenic

Researchers are measuring antimony concentrations from water samples near the world's largest antimony mine in Xikuangshan, China.

Big Picture

'Big Picture' Contest Sends Message on Nutrient Monitoring

Hach Co. will present thousands of dollars in equipment to municipal wastewater treatment plants in the United States that can explain creatively why they should receive the award.

WCD Capital Partners, ChemPro Systems Form Waste Alliance

The companies are collaborating on a fixed facility in New Jersey that will vitrify hexavalent chromium and other hazardous wastes.

Manufacturers Must Test Chemical Safety in New TSCA Bills

SOCMA calls the efforts of Congress to reform the Toxics Substance Control Act overreaching; Safer Chemicals group wants more teeth in the measure.

Homeland Security Funds R&D for Cell Phone Toxic Chemical Function

Cell-All initiative would equip cell phones with sensors capable of detecting such chemicals as carbon monoxide and fire.

Big Cat Energy Offers Recharge System to Coal Bed Methane Operators

The company may need additional working capital to manage potential projects from seven major coal bed methane operators representing $11 million.

Agency Soliciting for Lab Preparedness Services

EPA is seeking applications for technical assistance and support to coordinate preparedness activities of the environmental laboratory sector.

Agency Provides $2 M for Brownfields Job Training

Twelve entities in 10 states are receiving up to $200,000 each to train people in the cleanup of brownfields while also providing training in green building design, energy efficiency, weatherization, solar installation, green construction, and native plant revegetation.

Three Coal Ash Neighbors Tell Regulators to Quit Stalling

Alabama, Oklahoma, Ohio residents want EPA to regulate coal ash as a hazardous waste.

Infrastructure Report Urges Changes in Land Development Patterns

Urban Land Institute-Ernst & Young study adds water infrastructure as a challenge that the United States needs to address in order to be competitive with China and the European Union.

Brownfields Workshops Set for 2011 Grant Competition

Region 7 invites government, nonprofit, coalition and land clearance representatives to learn how to submit a proposal for brownfields grants.

EPA Begins Dialogue on Open Government Plan

The agency is reaching out to disadvantaged communities, expanding public awareness of rulemaking, and improving access with mobile applications.

Ryerson University

Student-designed Wastewater Treatment Uses MBR with Advanced Oxidation

Award-winning project from four Ryerson University chemical engineering students claims to remove 90 percent of pharmaceuticals and endocrine-disrupting compounds.

Coalition Scores Solar Companies on EH&S, Sustainability, and More

Silicon Valley Toxics Coalition in California, using self-reported data, ranked German manufacturers highest of the 14 companies that responded.

IEER: French Nuclear Reprocessing Model Will Not Solve U.S. Issues

An Institute for Energy and Environment Research report notes that France uses less than 1 percent of the natural uranium resource and has higher waste volume.

VRTX Offers Chemical-Free Water Treatment at Chemical Prices

The water treatment company specializes in operating systems for cooling towers and evaporative condensers.

SCAQMD's VOC Limit Violates California Law, Court Says

California Superior Court said the South Coast Air Quality Management District's Rule 1143, which would set a volatile organic compound limit on solvents, would require manufacturers to produce extremely flammable products.

EPA Signs Sustainability Pact with Hartz Mountain Industries

N.J. real estate developer plans to cut energy and water use on its properties across the state.

Water Pact to Cool Palo Verde Station, Fund Wastewater Treatment

A Phoenix wastewater treatment plant provides treated effluent that is further treated to cool Palo Verde Nuclear Generating Station for homes in Glendale, Mesa, Phoenix, Scottsdale, and Tempe.