Industry Trends

Firm Develops Chinese Drywall Inspection Protocol

A forensics company has identified 11 of 12 compounds that could be considered health concerns in imported drywall.

Senators Seek Funds for Chinese Drywall Study

Amendment requests $2 million for the Consumer Product Safety Commission to expedite the investigation.

Washington Governor Orders Climate Change Action

State agencies must develop emission reduction strategies and benchmarks to ensure 2020 targets are met.

Harvard Study Sees Increase in Urinary BPA

After a week of drinking from polycarbonate bottles, participants showed a two-thirds increase in bisphenol A in their urine.

Economists Band to Fight Climate Change Skeptics

The latest report clarifies the potential regional impacts of policies that impose a price on energy-related carbon dioxide emissions.

MAPLight Tracks Positions on Key Bills

The group's Congress API sheds light on special interest groups' influence on national lawmakers.

DEP, PennFuture Halt Strip Mining Permit

PDG Land Development had proposed to dump rocks removed in the mining of Hays Woods, one of Pittsburgh's largest intact green spaces, into the valleys.

REACHing for Answers

Producers and handlers of all types of chemicals have specific obligations to fulfill to the European Chemicals Agency and their European customers.

IHS Named Enterprise Carbon Accounting Emerging Leader

Groom Energy Solutions named IHS a leader in a report about greenhouse gas reporting and a review of software products.

GHG Project Developer Forum Adopts Code of Conduct

The code will establish a consistent framework, providing direction and clarification on how to perform daily business in developing carbon emission reduction projects.

U.K. Expert: U.S. Not Losing Nuclear Power 'Race'

University professors says lobbyists and utility company officials have their facts wrong about what is going on in Europe.