ICF International projects a seven-fold increase in the cost of allowances by 2020.
Decomposing garbage is the feedstock for the methane gas that King County, Wash., plans to use to power about 24,000 homes.
The state-supported facility will collect, analyze, and disseminate data to further the growth of the clean energy industry.
The Department of Environmental Protection has created guidelines for landlords submitting proposals related to the agency's offices, specifying energy management systems, water conservation, and commuting facilities.
A report from the Environmental Integrity Project shows a drop in power plant emissions but actually bucks recent trends.
Germany and Japan have the lowest sulfur limits in gasoline, according to the International Fuel Quality Center.
The Missouri Joint Municipal Electric Utility Commission lowered its energy use and greenhouse gas emissions using a combustion turbine-based combined heat and power system.
Ashland Distribution, a company that distributes chemicals, plastics, and composite raw materials, will offer hazardous waste management training.
Outstanding accomplishments and leadership in environmental service are the attributes the Air & Waste Management Association looks when bestowing its annual awards.
Albania Deleon, an asbestos removal training company president, did not appear for her sentencing hearing and was placed on the EPA's wanted list.
EPA gives four universities grants for research into the relationship between the chemistry of particulate matter and health effects.
A task force of 52 companies and 34 experts and organizations will work with government and United Nations officials to develop practical projects and policy proposals for a low-carbon economy.
The Environmental Site Assessment process for forestland or rural property now complies with EPA's All Appropriate Inquiries Rule.
The UK's Carbon Trust has developed a guide to help managers make an effective case for investing in low-carbon projects.
The California Air Resources Board next year will require auto maintenance shops to check the tire pressure of the vehicles they service.
Former EPA assistant administrator for Solid Waste and Emergency Response Susan Bodine has become a partner at Barnes & Thornburg.
Chemical industry organization changes its name to better reflect its membership.
EPA teams up with manufacturers to recycle cell phones during April in celebration of Earth Day.