
FMA Congresses and Waste Management Changing Attitudes: From Garbage Collection to Environmental Performance

Waste Management is leading the charge in offering integrated sustainability solutions by helping companies look at waste streams from top to bottom and inside out. This shift in the way the company is positioning its business is a major turnaround for how it is viewed by its customers.

China Plans to Lead World in Ecofriendly Cars

China plans to become a leader in eco-friendly cars that could include forcing foreign automakers to share key technologies for access to its market.

Experts: Research and Development of Biofuels Must be Done in Conjunction with the Development of Advanced Combustion Engines

Transportation experts are proposing that the research and development of next-generation biofuels must be done in conjunction with the development of advanced combustion engines if those biofuels are to become a reality and long-term success in the U.S. transportation sector, according to a new report issued by Sandia National Laboratories

the moon

Arizona Team Can Grow Plants with Lamps on the Silvery Moon

Researchers are demonstrating that plants from Earth could be grown without soil on the moon or Mars or even urban centers.

Synthetic Fuels Research Hopes to Cut Oil Dependency

Researchers at Purdue University have developed a facility aimed at learning precisely how coal and biomass are broken down in reactors called gasifiers as part of a project to strengthen the scientific foundations of the synthetic fuel economy.

Organic waste for compost

Good Compost Neighbor Uses Robust Odor Control

One company minimizes odors from the start by quickly processing organic materials into the composting cell and employing covered aerated static pile technology.

SEPTA to Deploy Smart Electrical Grid Technology Project

Viridity Energy will deploy its software optimization system to allow SEPTA to recycle the energy created from the regenerative braking ability of trains and trolleys at a high use propulsion substation in Philadelphia, which will in turn improve power quality, produce energy savings and generate revenues.

Gilbert Highliands renovation used stimulus funding to make the property more energy efficient.

Renovation Complete, Stimulus-funded Development Reopens in Maryland

Montgomery Housing Partnership transformed a 57-year-old building into a modern, more efficient and affordable complex.

Change the World Challenge Includes High School Students

Students will be judged on both their ability to create a positive, measurable solution to a local sustainability issue or challenge using scientific methodology and their ability to explain how the solution can be replicated by other communities.

SiteWise Tool Assesses Environmental Footprint of Cleanups

Navy mandates the use of new assessment tool, co-developed with Battelle, in feasibility studies at all of its remediation sites.

Feds Leverage Tech Know-how to 'Green' 5 State Capitals

EPA, the Department of Housing and Urban Development, and the U.S. Department of Transportation will provide sustainable design assistance to Boston, Jefferson City, Hartford, Charleston and Little Rock.

Algae Aqua-Culture Technology to Use Stimulus for Biodigester Plant

The company's technology turns wood chips and algae into methane and organic fertilizer.

More home-brewed solar energy systems may be closer to reality.

MIT Scientist Says New Catalyst May Speed Development of Personal Power

The catalyst has been licensed to Sun Catalytix, which envisions developing safe, super-efficient versions of the electrolyzer, suitable for homes and small businesses, within two years.

Innovative State Policy for Energy Efficiency Creates Jobs Investments

A new report from the Center for American Progress and EnergyRM indicates that a robust program of smart policy incentives and investments could make a big difference for businesses looking to invest in the growth of clean energy jobs.

Katrina Exposed Key Failures in Disaster Response, Report Says

The Institute for Southern Studies report says the federal government still hasn't properly responded to the problems on the Gulf Coast caused by Hurricane Katrina.

GE, NRMRL to Develop Platform for Water Distribution

In a cooperative research and development agreement, the team will try to increase the effectiveness of the municipal drinking water distribution network for delivery of better quality water while using less energy.

Infrared Drying Could Save Energy for Pulp and Paper Industry

Students from Saint Martin's University found that less heat is lost using flat ceramic infrared electric emitters in research supported by Puget Sound Energy.