
35 Midwest Communities Sign on for Lower Footprints

EPA Region 5 has increased membership in its Community Climate Change Initiative, which offers free resources to help communities address the issue.

Chevrolet Silverado B20

Automaker, RFS2 and Bus Fleet Commit to Biodiesel

Attendees at the 2010 National Biodiesel Conference got an earful of good news for the industry.

Ozarka Partners with Ducks Unlimited to Restore East Texas Wetlands

Bottled water company gives $30,000 gift to be used to enhance wetlands for waterfowl and wildlife.

New Light Bulb Is Efficient and Has No Mercury, RTI Says

Nanofibers were essential to producing a high efficiency lighting device in research that was supported by the Department of Energy's Solid-State Lighting program.

Indiana Professor: Obama Should Order GHG Cuts

Rafael Reuveny says consensus won't work for managing greenhouse gas emissions.

Redondo Beach Breaks Ground for Stormwater Control Project

With $2.2 million in stimulus funds, the city will divert stormwater from coastal waters and used the collected rainwater for park irrigation.

New Energy Unveils 'Spraying' Solar Cells Technology

Company says researchers have developed a process for spraying solar cells onto glass windows to generate electricity.

DOE Awards Conditional $22 M Grant to ClearFuels, Rentech

Companies are planning to construct a biomass gasifier that will work with Rentech's Product Demonstration Unit to produce renewable synthetic fuels from biomass.

Washington Lawmakers Want Water Conservation for Irrigators

Implementation of the conservation O&M program would let irrigators use seasonal water conservation measures to reduce real-time water withdrawals by about 17 percent.

Southern California Edison Pays Out $1 M for Education

Power company donates money to 10 California community colleges for green education and job training.

Obama Announces 3 Steps to Boost Biofuels, Clean Coal

EPA and USDA finalize rules on renewables and biomass, respectively, while agencies lay out commercialization strategy in the new report, "Growing America's Fuel."

NSF Celebrates World-class Research at Five U.S. Centers

Three of the five Science and Technology Centers have been working in sustainable energy alternatives, water development, and containing pesticides, among other research.

'Green Budget' Calls for Ending Tax Breaks for Polluters

Conservationists and public interest groups encourage Congress to cut $20 billion in spending and invest in a green economy.

Online Reuse Marketplace Engages Multiple States in Network

The Web site helps participants in seven states find alternatives to the disposal of valuable materials.

Process to Use Shrimp, Tilapia to Extract Algae Oil for Biofuel

A University of Missouri professor and colleagues have developed a biomass cultivation model for a proposed 50-megawatt natural gas-fired power plant in Southern California.

Nonprofit Helps Seattle Port Truckers Upgrade with Scrap Credit

Cascade Sierra Solutions says 59 truck owners have turned in pre-1994 trucks for a $5,000 scrap credit and about 85 percent of the trucks are being replaced.

Ecologists Create a More Precise Way to Measure Human Impacts

University of Maryland and Baylor University ecologists may have discovered a lower ecological "tipping point" at which species are threatened.

Chemical Exchange Offers Free Recycling Solution

A new Web site provides a platform for companies to list unwanted chemicals and to negotiate their exchange.

EPA, DOE Create Action Network for Energy Efficiency

Agencies seek to meet National Action Plan for Energy Efficiency goals five years earlier than originally envisioned.