
METCAM Manufacturing 2

U.S. Manufacturers Gain Edge over Foreign Competition with Quality and Sustainability Initiatives

Environmental sustainability is being increasingly linked to initiatives in “lean manufacturing”, an area in which U.S. manufacturers have excelled for years. The focus of lean manufacturing is to reduce waste—wasted materials, motion, time, effort, inventory, transportation expense, and other expenses involved in the manufacturing process.

Attend a Rain Garden Program for Free

On Jan. 14, there will be a program relating to bioretention areas, also known as rain gardens, help at the Texas A&M AgriLife Research and Extension Center. The program will begin at 9 a.m. and last until 4 p.m.

Funding Available for Environmental Technology Demonstrations

ESTCP is seeking proposals for innovative environmental technology demonstrations as candidates for funding beginning in FY2014. Pre-proposals are due by Thursday, Mar. 14, 2013

River Salinization May Become a Global Environmental Issue

The salinization of rivers has become a global problem with high environmental and economic cost, which also poses a great risk to human health. According to a new research, climate change and increasing water consumption may create larger issues in the future.

Ocean Harvest Technology Earns Entrepreneurial Award

Frost & Sullivan announced the Canadian company is its 2012 European Entrepreneurial Company of the Year.

January is Radon Action Month

Since January is National Radon Action Month, the DEP in Pennsylvania will be presenting an episode on the dangers of radon in their webinar series, DEP at Home, on Jan. 16 from 7 to 8 p.m.

A New Tool to Calculate Renewable Energy

Cranfield University has developed a new approach for calculating the potential renewable energy acquired from waste material, before incineration, which could save time and money for the energy and waste industries.

2012: The Hottest Year on Record

AccuWeather has reported that the droughts and heat experienced during 2012 caused crops to wither and the levels of the Mississippi River to dwindle, while experiencing the warmest year on record for the U.S.

Ratsnakes May Benefit from Global Warming

Researchers from the University of Illinois conducted a study of ratsnakes in Ontario, Illinois, and Texas, with resulting showing that the species can adapt to higher temperature by becoming more active at night.

NREL to Help Create Liquid Diesel from Methane

An advanced research project could help lead to lower greenhouse emission and create a new life for spent gas and oil wells.

Paste Technology's Environmentally Friendly Way to Manage Mining Industry Disposal

Using paste technology means that instead of pumping untreated tailings from the concentrator into tailing ponds, the sand is dewatered to a point when it does not segregate as deposit, which is a far more environmentally friendly process.

Legacy AT&T Wireless Sites’ Violations Sting New Cingular Wireless

The EPA has reached an administrative settlement with New Cingular Wireless, which will require the company to pay a civil penalty of $750,000 and spend $625,000 on environmental projects to resolve the alleged reporting, planning, and permitting violations at 332 legacy AT&T Wireless (AWS) sites now owned by NCW.

NAS Honors Individuals for Contributions to Science

The NAS honors 18 individuals with awards in recognition of their outstanding scientific achievements in a wide range of fields spanning the physical, biological, and social sciences.

New Abundance Estimate for Cook Inlet Beluga Whale Released by NOAA

NOAA scientists from the Alaska Fisheries Science Center has announced that the 2012 abundance estimate for the endangered Cook Inlet Beluga Whale population is 312 , which is a small increase from the previous year.

The Impact of Mercury Pollution in Europe

According to a new study published in Environmental Health, cleaning up mercury pollution could save the European Union millions of dollars each year.

Shell's Rig Move Timed to Avoid State Tax

The Kulluk drillship remained aground Jan. 5 on the southeast shoreline of Sitkalidak Island, Alaska, upright and stable, and Shell has received a state permit to move it, the Unified Command reported.

Battle Medialab Gains Ecosphere Technologies Account

Battle Medialab has announced the addition of Ecosphere Technologies, Inc. to its client list.

Housing Authority Signs Energy Performance Contract with Ameresco

Ameresco has signed a second energy performance contract with the Fall River Housing Authority to upgrade their energy infrastructure.

As convenient as the newest gadgets are, we should not not forget that most of them contain harmful substances and should be properly recycled, refurbished, or reused. (Dynamic Recycling photo)

Proper E-Waste Disposal and Environmental Sustainability

Do your own, personal part in making proper decisions about recycling e-waste. Don't be afraid to call someone out or voice your opinion about how important our planet is and what it means to you.

No Leak Found from Grounded Drillship's Tanks

A team of five people boarded Shell's Kulluk ship, grounded since Dec. 31 on the southeast coast of Sitkalidak Island, Alaska. They reported it is firmly aground and found no signs of environmental impact.