
School District to Install World's First Ultra-efficient Solar Hot Air System

Sanborn Regional School District in Kingston, N.H., has signed the world's first power purchase agreement for ultra-efficient solar hot air, which will reduce heating bills.

Solar-Powered Air-Conditioning System for Vehicles

Drivers can now continue to keep the air-conditioning system on during the hot sunny days even when they stop the vehicle and switch off the engine. In collaboration with Green Power Industrial Ltd, Hong Kong Polytechnic University's (PolyU) Department of Electrical Engineering has developed an innovative air-conditioning system for vehicles that can turn scorching summer heat into cool air without a single drop of gasoline.

Study Shows Natural Processes Can Limit Spread of Arsenic in Water

Many people in Bangladesh and other parts of Asia have been poisoned by drinking groundwater laced with arsenic—not introduced by humans, but leached naturally from sediments, and now being tapped by shallow drinking wells. In recent years, to avoid the problem, deeper wells have been sunk 500 feet or more to purer waters—but fears have remained that when deep water is pumped out, contaminated water might filter down to replace it.

Changes in Rainfall Patterns are Projected for Next 30 Years

Manoa have projected an increased frequency of heavy rainfall events but a decrease in rainfall intensity during the next 30 years (2011-2040) for the southern shoreline of Oahu, according to a recent study published in the Journal of Geophysical Research.

Link Between Solar Activity and Winter Weather Revealed

Scientists have demonstrated a clear link between the 11-year sun cycle and winter weather over the northern hemisphere for the first time.

Job-Creating Grid Modernization Pilot Projects Coming

This move will speed the creation of thousands of construction and operations jobs while transforming the nation’s electric system into a modern, 21st century grid that is safer and more secure, and gives consumers more energy choices.

Research Shows Pregnant Mothers at Risk from Air Pollution

A Californian-based study has looked in detail at air quality and the impact of traffic-related air pollution on premature birth.

College Football Goes Green

How can the largest university in Dallas-Fort Worth, Texas, lead the pack in sustainability? Build a green football stadium, of course.

How Do Viruses Penetrate 700-Feet-Deep Semi-Permeable Acquifers?

Drinking water taken from a deep aquifer protected by a semi-permeable layer of rock should be protected from many contaminants, including viruses. But viruses have been discovered in many deep Madison, Wis., water wells.

Green Ocean Technology Paired with Earthquake Sensors

Combining recently launched green technology for navigating the oceans with the need to address gaps in critical earthquake information across the globe, scientists from Scripps Institution of Oceanography at UC San Diego have been granted $1.02 million from the National Science Foundation to develop a cutting-edge deep-ocean seismic system.

Fla. Biologists Study Reasons Behind Endangered Grouper Comeback

In the waters along Florida’s east and west coasts, Florida State University (FSU) marine biologists are collecting new data on the once severely overfished Atlantic goliath grouper, a native species that is making a comeback in the southeastern United States after a 21-year moratorium on its capture while remaining critically endangered everywhere else in the world.

Study: Marine Life in Man-made Stressed Seas

The Earth currently has more than 400 so-called "dead zones"--huge expanses of deep ocean that, because of human activities, become too oxygen-starved during the summer to support most life.

Virginia Man Pleads Guilty to Trafficking in Illegally Imported Sperm Whale Teeth

Sperm whales are classified as “endangered” under the Endangered Species Act and are listed on Appendix I of the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora.

Liquid Catalyst Converts Emissions into Fuel

An Illinois research team has succeeded in overcoming one major obstacle to a promising technology that simultaneously reduces atmospheric carbon dioxide and produces fuel.

NIH Launches Research Program to Explore Health Effects from Climate Change

A new research program funded by the National Institutes of Health will explore the role that a changing climate has on human health.

Scientists Reveal Southern Californias Tectonic Plates in Detail

The geologic forces that shape the Earth's surface do their work in the lithosphere, often out of sight and far below the surface. Researchers have now measured the lithosphere’s thickness in southern California. It varies widely, from less than 25 miles to nearly 60 miles.

EPA provides over $1.1 million for Sleeping Bear Dunes and Grand Traverse Band Watersheds

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) recently announced funding for Great Lakes Restoration Initiative projects in Northern Michigan totaling $1.1 million.

Wild Plants are Good for Pollinators

A new study has shown that encouraging strips of wild plants at the edges of fields is important for supporting bees and other important pollinators.

Gulf Coast Task Force Releases Ecosystem Restoration Strategy For Public Review

The Gulf Coast Ecosystem Restoration Task Force, chaired by U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Administrator Lisa P. Jackson, recently released for public review and feedback its comprehensive preliminary strategy for long-term ecosystem restoration.

EPA Approves New Performance Standards for D.C. Stormwater

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency announced today that it has approved new performance standards for controlling urban stormwater runoff in Washington, D.C.