
Send a Lei to Raise Money for The Ocean Project

Maui Jim plans to spread some virtual "aloha spirit" around the world with a new promotion, "Send a Lei," that raises money for The Ocean Project.

Celebrities Show Our Planet is Not an Ashtray (With Video)

More than 360 billion cigarettes are smoked in the United States on an annual basis. The butts and filters pollute beaches, parks, roads and waterways worldwide.

Concrete Recycling May Cut Highway Construction Cost, Landfill Use

Purdue University civil engineers are working with the Indiana Department of Transportation (INDOT) to perfect the use of recycled concrete for highway construction, a strategy that could reduce material costs by as much as 20 percent.

Photovoltaic Systems Boost Sales Prices of California Homes

New research by the U.S. Department of Energy's Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory finds strong evidence that homes with solar photovoltaic systems sell for a premium over homes without solar systems.

Window World of Omaha to Pay $3,976 Penalty for Failure to Notify Owners, Residents of Lead Risks

The company failed to notify owners and occupants of at least eight Omaha residential properties built before 1978 of lead-based paint risks before performing renovation work at those locations.

System Recovers Ethanol from Wastewater Facilities

Using principles of process intensification, the system is designed to process 50 gallons per minute of scrubber water generated from a 50 MM gallon per annum ethanol plant.

Villanova Launches Sustainable Engineering Research Center

Villanova's center will house multi-disciplinary research and teaching in a number of emerging areas and seeks to protect and restore the environment through the systems-based integration of sustainability principles into engineering solutions.

Simple Ways to Make Your Home More Eco-friendly

Creating an eco-friendly home doesn't have to be expensive or time consuming.

Army Identifies Net Zero Pilot Installations (With Video)

As part of the Army's overall effort to conserve precious resources, net zero installations will consume only as much energy or water as they produce and eliminate solid waste to landfills.

Leftovers Reborn as Compost

At Sandia's largest cafeteria, a leftover burrito will be sent off to eventually help some backyard garden bloom. When someone leaves a bit of lunch behind at Thunderbird Café, employees send it out for composting.

Japan Remains Atop ICT Sustainability Index

The index was created using data sources that reflect energy creation, consumption, and ICT spending among the G20 nations over the past two years. Events from 2011 – including the Japanese earthquake and tsunami – were not taken into account in generating this year's scores. </p><p>

How Would a Binary Star System Affect Life Evolving on an Orbiting Planet?

A scientist has studied what plants might be like on an Earth-like planet with two or three suns and found that they may appear black or grey.

Solar Power Without Solar Cells

A dramatic and surprising magnetic effect of light discovered by University of Michigan researchers could lead to solar power without traditional semiconductor-based solar cells.

Democrats and Republicans Increasingly Divided Over Global Warming

Despite the growing scientific consensus that global warming is real, Americans have become increasingly polarized on the environmental problem.


Texas Energy Co. Launches Emissions-Free Wind Power Product for EV Chargers

Green Mountain Energy Co. has launched a widely available, emissions-free Texas wind-powered product designed for drivers of plug-in electric and plug-in hybrid electric vehicles.

First U.S. Zero Waste Reality Show to Debut on Earth Day (With Video)

Four families. Five weeks. One goal: to reduce household trash to zero. Watch their progress in a new reality TV show called Dare to Go Zero produced by the City of Austin debuting on Earth Day, Friday, April 22.

More Evidence Suggests Electric Cars Need Nighttime Charging

Researchers in America have shown that ozone can be reduced, on average, when electric vehicle charging is done at night time.

Using the energy in oil shale without releasing carbon dioxide in a greenhouse world

Researchers are trying to find a new way to get energy from oil shale without producing greenhouse gases.

EPA Proposes Stronger Air Toxic Emissions Standards for Polyvinyl Chloride Production Facilities

EPA has proposed stronger standards that require facilities that produce polyvinyl chloride (PVC) to reduce emissions of harmful toxics, improving air quality and protecting people’s health in communities where these facilities are located.

Boeing Site to Operate as 100-Percent Renewable Energy Site

Boeing and South Carolina Electric & Gas have announced an energy partnership that will enable Boeing South Carolina to operate as a 100-percent renewable energy site.