The agency said the city will pay $134,500 for violating its NPDES permit during 2008-2010.
"The NIOSH roadmap outlines a strategic framework for designing, conducting, and applying the research that will best serve the need to address persistent scientific uncertainties about occupational health and elongate mineral particles," said Director Dr. John Howard.
"There are just over 1 million employers in California and of those, only 42 are current SHARP recipients," said Cal/OSHA Area Manager Kelly Howard.
Although the process is costly, researchers from Brazil said it takes just one pound of nano-cellulose to produce 100 pounds of super-strong, lightweight plastic.
The Gulf Coast Ecosystem Restoration Task Force also is holding listening sessions in coastal states to get feedback before it has to propose an agenda on Oct. 5.
Researchers at the U.K.'s Cambridge University mixed samples of waste oil with a highly microwave-absorbent material and then heated the mixture to convert nearly 90 percent of the samples into fuel.
Surface aeration and aerobic microbes can alleviate an overloaded waste lagoon.
Salas O'Brien will engineer a cool roof and use fuel cells to save energy at the Cambrian Center near the Los Gatos-San Jose border.
Richard Brodsky with Demos, a national policy center, and three other groups have filed Freedom of Information Act requests prompted by the nuclear disaster in Sendai, Japan.
MIT’s Daniel Nocera said he believes the future world will be powered by photosynthesis and his research has developed one that uses nickel and cobalt to split water into hydrogen and oxygen.
The application, unveiled by Image Matters, confines itself to specific coastal wetlands such as Chesapeake and Delaware bays.
Clemson University study used meat and bone meal, which has been discarded due to Mad Cow Disease concerns, to make petroleum-free bioplastics.
The U.S. Bureau of Reclamation delivered less water to the districts than the government promised to provide, according to the lawsuit.
The Cities and the Environment website provides information on the latest research on urban ecology science.
The Clean Energy Group, which is a coalition of electric power companies, has reviewed the proposal and says the rule allows for some compliance flexibility.
Stella Middle Charter Academy will implement environment-based education in science and history/social science from California's Education and Environment Initiative.
The Univar workplan addresses cleanup of groundwater contaminated with volatile organic compounds in Commerce while the PG&E remedial action plan deals with polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, total petroleum hydrocarbons, metals, and polychlorinated biphenyls in the soil in Colusa.
Soils at St. Joe State Park are extensively contaminated with toxic lead and lead compounds from mining wastes that accumulated over several decades.
The agency is working with the city and the Lahontan Regional Water Quality Control Board to determine the amount of perchlorate at the site.
A new peer-reviewed study finds that polystyrene foam use significantly less energy and water than comparable paper-based or corn-based alternatives.