
New Ford Electrified Vehicle Facebook Page Engages Fans

Ford has launched an Electrified Vehicle Facebook page to serve as a place where passionate enthusiasts or curious consumers can find and share information about the company's electrified vehicles

New Lithium-ion Battery Reportedly Ideal for Electric Cars

The battery is based on a high-capacity nanostructured tin-carbon anode and a high-voltage lithium-ion cathode.

Is "green" marketing dead?

White Paper: Green Marketing Needs to Evolve

A Cleveland marketing firm shares its perspective on how companies need to adjust their strategies to communicate "green" value.

EPA Seeks Public Comment on U.S. Greenhouse Gas Inventory

The agency is reporting that overall greenhouse gas emissions decreased by 6 percent in 2009.

Brown tides are caused by harmful algal blooms.

Brown Tide Culprit Suited to Thrive in Environmentally Impacted Estuaries

The Stony Brook University and Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution study used the genome sequence of Aureococcus anophagefferens and found that it is genetically predisposed to exploit certain characteristics of human-modified coastal ecosystems.

Ground Water Summit to Explore Challenges in Uncertain Times

The summit, hosted by the National Ground Water Association, is scheduled for May 1-5.

Caesars Entertainment Recognized for Sustainability

As the world's largest casino entertainment company, Caesars Entertainment Corp. is leading the way in environmental stewardship and energy efficiency.

Ayer, Mass., Developer Protects Wetlands to Settle CWA Violations

Crabtree Development will give the town 7.6 acres of the Pingry Hill development.

Rolls-Royce Motor Cars Confirms Electric Test Vehicle Project

Rolls-Royce Motor Cars has confirmed the development of 102EX, a one-off, fully electric powered Phantom, to debut at the Geneva Motor Show on March 1, 2011.

Biohabitats Acquires Natural Systems International

With the added resources, Biohabitats will help clients reuse, conserve, and manage water while regenerating ecosystems and biodiversity.

Ecovery Earns RIOS Certification

Electronics recycler meets quality, environmental, health and safety criteria set forth by the Institute of Scrap Recycling Industries.

Which EPA Rules Are Outmoded?

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency is seeking public comment on its plan to review regulations.

Evansville Greenway Site Wins National Environmental Award

The site is a newly opened section of greenway built upon a remediated scrap yard near downtown Evansville, Ind.

EIP Reports CO2 Emissions 5.5% Higher from Power Plants

Texas, Florida, and Ohio lead in carbon dioxide emissions based on EPA data.

DOI Invites Input on Hardrock Mineral Development in Northern Arizona

The Department of the Interior is seeking comment on a draft environmental impact statement that offers four alternatives for managing mineral development near the Grand Canyon.

Salazar Helps Break Ground on Picayune Strand Restoration Project

When completed in 2015, the $448-million project will feature three major pump stations, removal of 260 miles of roads, and filling in of 42 miles of canals to help restore water flows to the Everglades.

1E Study: 87% of Federal Agencies May Not Be Ready to Lower Energy Use

According to the IT efficiency software company, federal agency priorities for energy management are in consolidating hardware and generating awareness.

Green Spaces, Urban Parks, Blueways Highlight Great Outdoors Initiative

Following more than 50 listening sessions with local communities, the federal government has devised a plan to support community-based conservation and recreation in the "great outdoors."

Lone Star Eco-Bus

Sustainability Takes to the Road on Eco-Bus Tour in Texas

The Walmart Foundation has given the Rio Bravo Wildlife Institute a $100,000 grant to support an Eco-Bus outreach initiative.

A tomcod from the Hudson River

Genetic Mutation Allows Hudson River Tomcod to Adapt to PCBs

Slight alterations in a gene encoding a protein known to regulate PCB's toxic effects were found in the fish.