
Growers Sign Petition for Atrazine Use

Long-standing pesticide faces government review, an activist campaign, and two lawsuits.

Gates Foundation Provides $5.6M to Water For People

The Innovative Sanitation as a Business Program grant will support solutions in Africa, Asia, and Latin America.

GE, NRMRL to Develop Platform for Water Distribution

In a cooperative research and development agreement, the team will try to increase the effectiveness of the municipal drinking water distribution network for delivery of better quality water while using less energy.

Infrared Drying Could Save Energy for Pulp and Paper Industry

Students from Saint Martin's University found that less heat is lost using flat ceramic infrared electric emitters in research supported by Puget Sound Energy.

Revere, Mass., Settlement Covers Raw Sewage Overflows

The city will implement a comprehensive, system-wide plan to ensure that all sanitary sewer overflows associated with insufficient capacity of its separate wastewater collection system are prevented within 12 years.

Parts of Texas' Air Permitting Program Not Up to Code, EPA Says

In one example, the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality did not allow adequate review of impacts on total air pollution levels should changes in the Pollution Control Project Standard Permit be approved, the federal agency reported.

Lawmakers Call for Probe into Claims Handling by Enbridge

The House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee said it has evidence that residents affected by the recent spill in Michigan are being asked to waive legal rights or sign over medical records.

New Jersey Gives Fuel Oil Industry 6 Years to Meet Sulfur Standard

By 2016, the state will require refiners to produce oil with a maximum sulfur content standard of 15 parts per million; the current standard is 2,000 to 3,000 parts per million.

Company Must Remove PCB-contaminated Materials from GM Superfund Site

Before the Motors Liquidation Company can demolish several buildings at the Massena, N.Y., site, it must decontaminate the buildings and their contents and sample and remove contaminated soil.

Air Products to Pay $1.5M for Transferring Spent Acid to Agrifos

EPA's enforcement of mining and minerals processing "leaked" over to chemical manufacturing because the company shipped spent acid to a facility not authorized to accept it.

New Fuel Economy Labels to Take GHG Emissions into Account

The Department of Transportation and EPA are offering two proposals for public comment: a letter grade to communicate a vehicle’s overall fuel economy and greenhouse gas emissions performance or a label similar to the current one that uses miles per gallon but adds comparison data on fuel economy and emissions.

Neighborhood design

A 'Prefurbia' Development Solution

In a multi-part series of articles, Rick Harrison, president of Rick Harrison Site Design Studio, will explain some of the problems in land development today and how innovative methods collectively known as "Prefurbia" can help to overcome them.

EPA Takes Tonawanda Coke to Task for Additional Environmental Issues

The agency says the company is exceeding its permitted industrial wastewater discharge, which is piped to Tonawanda's sanitary sewer system.

Landowner and Excavator Failed to Contact Corps of Engineers for Dam

The landowner and the company he hired to perform excavation to create an earthen dam will pay a $30,000 civil penalty.

SWASH+ to Bring Water and Sanitation to 150 Schools in Central America

Inter-American Development Bank and The Coca-Cola Foundation have provided for funds for the program's expansion.

Emory River Opens for Recreation as Coal Ash Cleanup Continues

Federal and Tennessee agencies have determined that any coal ash remaining in the river presents minimal health risks to recreational users.

American Vanguard Files Suit for Relief from EPA Stop Sale Order

The company makes pentachloronitrobenzene, a fungicide used on turf, and was ordered to stop selling the product because it did not identify trace impurities in its confidential statement of formula.

Agency Reviewing Black Feet Tribe Application for CWA Program

EPA is taking comments through the state of Montana on the Tribe's assertion of authority.