
Agency Marks Clean Air Act Anniversary with Live Webcast

Set your calendar for 11:45 a.m. EDT on Sept. 14.

Mr. President, Please Don't Forget about Water Infrastructure

AWWA reminds Obama of the need for funding repair and replacement of water treatment facilities and distribution systems.

EPA Schedules GHG Permit Hearing for Tuesday

With just a few days' notice, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency set a public hearing on its temporary permitting plan, which will be used for large greenhouse gas emitters in states that aren't ready to manage the process.

Change the World Challenge Includes High School Students

Students will be judged on both their ability to create a positive, measurable solution to a local sustainability issue or challenge using scientific methodology and their ability to explain how the solution can be replicated by other communities.

SiteWise Tool Assesses Environmental Footprint of Cleanups

Navy mandates the use of new assessment tool, co-developed with Battelle, in feasibility studies at all of its remediation sites.

Beach embayment design keeps sand and contaminants in.

Numerical Ocean Models Help Find Causes of Dirty Beaches

U.S. Geological Survey and Michigan State University study applies NOAA models to determine the pathways of contaminants and indicator bacteria.

Feds Leverage Tech Know-how to 'Green' 5 State Capitals

EPA, the Department of Housing and Urban Development, and the U.S. Department of Transportation will provide sustainable design assistance to Boston, Jefferson City, Hartford, Charleston and Little Rock.

GWI Revises Desalination Market Forecast

Global Water Intelligence predicts the industry will not exceed its 2007 performance of 7.5 million cubic meters per day until 2012.

Algae Aqua-Culture Technology to Use Stimulus for Biodigester Plant

The company's technology turns wood chips and algae into methane and organic fertilizer.

Recommendation No. 7 from the Chemical Emergencies Work Group calls for a law that requires EPA and other agencies to follow GHS, saying a uniform safety data sheet format is needed to ensure emergency responders and community members have complete and consistent access to information on chemical exposures and hazards.

Report Backs GHS Adoption, Safer Technologies Law

Recommendation #6 from the Chemical Emergencies Work Group supports a bill using an approach to inherently safer technologies (IST) that the U.S. chemical industry opposes.

Webcast on Building Watershed Group Capacity Set

EPA and other panelists will discuss technical tools and support to local watershed groups.

IAC Recommends Basic Reform of IPCC Management Structure

The InterAcademy Council, an Amsterdam-based organization, says the International Panel on Climate Change should establish an executive committee with an executive director to strengthen its procedures.

Tabletop Exercise Tool Available for Emergency Preparedness

This tool introduces water utilities to the potential impacts of climate change.

Study: Most Dairy Antibiotics Degrade before Reaching Groundwater

University of California Davis scientists said that most of the antibiotics used to treat dairy cows generally degrade in the top 12 inches of soil.

Who is doing what

Who's Doing What

New positions, recognition and calls to service top this week's summary of movement within the environmental industry.

EPA Extends Revised Total Coliform Rule Comment Period

The agency has set the new deadline for Oct. 13 on the revisions to the total coliform rule.

More home-brewed solar energy systems may be closer to reality.

MIT Scientist Says New Catalyst May Speed Development of Personal Power

The catalyst has been licensed to Sun Catalytix, which envisions developing safe, super-efficient versions of the electrolyzer, suitable for homes and small businesses, within two years.

Innovative State Policy for Energy Efficiency Creates Jobs Investments

A new report from the Center for American Progress and EnergyRM indicates that a robust program of smart policy incentives and investments could make a big difference for businesses looking to invest in the growth of clean energy jobs.

Katrina Exposed Key Failures in Disaster Response, Report Says

The Institute for Southern Studies report says the federal government still hasn't properly responded to the problems on the Gulf Coast caused by Hurricane Katrina.