
In 2007, desktop computers wasted 50 percent of the power coming from the wall.

CompTIA: IT Industry Powers Equipment Down

A study shows the industry has lowered carbon dioxide emissions by 32 million metric tons and needs to reduce those emissions by another 22 million metric tons to meet a June 2011 goal.

Sonoco Meets GHG Target, Ups Ante with Global Goal

The company said a global Web-based environmental management system will help it measure greenhouse gas emission reductions.

A view of the Chesapeake Bay watershed

NASA Satellite Improves Nonpoint Pollution Monitoring

Joseph Nigro's team incorporated two NASA products into the Better Assessment Science Integrating Nonpoint Sources program that calculates streamflow rates and pollution concentrations.

Senate Homeland Security Committee OKs CFATS Extension

Sen. Collins introduced an amendment to keep the Chemical Facility Anti-Terrorism Act alive for another three years.

Communities can find out about releases and transfers of chemicals at the local level.

Latest Industrial and Toxics Release Data Available Now

EPA has published industry information on 2009 emissions the same month that the information was collected.

Power Partners and PNNL Work on Commercial Air Conditioning

The team, which also includes Arkema, is trying to improve the efficiency and test new refrigerants in an air conditioner that runs on waste heat or solar heat.

Cannon Power Uses Stimulus to Expand Wind Project

Windy Point/Windy Flats project in Klickitat County, Wash., received a $200 million cash grant through the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act.

Lake Trout Seem to Have More Mercury Now, Study Says

Researchers suggest invasive species may have altered Lake Erie's foodweb, where increasing concentrations of mercury have been found in walleye.

Woods Hole Researchers: Global Climate Change Cause of Coral Stress

Computed tomography scans help scientists uncover damage to Diploastrea heliopora in the Red Sea caused by warm sea surface temperatures.

BioMag Pilot Convinces Stonington to Install Technology

Stonington will upgrade its Mystic Water Pollution Control Facility with a process developed by Cambridge Water Technology.

Riverbank Filtration Removes EDCs and PPCPs, WRF Says

The method is a low-cost environmentally friendly treatment option to remove various pollutants, according to the Water Research Foundation.

American Water Employees Donate $193,000 to Water For People

Operations Manager Dave Yungermann won the random drawing for employee contributors and will make a field visit to Bolivia to see the organization at work.

Agency Schedules Meetings on Revised Total Coliform Rule

The updated TCR would establish criteria for systems to qualify for and stay on reduced monitoring.

WRI Analysis: Go-Getter Approach Could Help U.S. Meet Climate Goals

The World Resources Institute analysis claims that existing authorities could gear up to meet the Obama Administration’s emissions reduction target “in the range of” 17 percent below 2005 levels by 2020.

Elephant in mud

Getting the Elephant Out of the Mud

Sustainability initiatives require a clear, steadfast plan.

Clean Harbors Will Incinerate Unused H1N1 Vaccine

The company is offering the service to health care providers because multiple doses of the vaccine contain enough mercury-based Thimerosal to be treated as a hazardous waste.

Safer Siting Could Have Lessened Damage at Veolia Facility

The Chemical Safety Board completed its report on the 2009 explosion at Veolia ES Technical Solutions' plant in Ohio and recommended the Center for Chemical Process Safety revise control room siting guidelines.

Crystal IS Says Ultraviolet LEDs Can Replace Mercury-based Lamps

Proprietary technology is shown to be suitable for commercial LEDs in disinfection applications.