
Georgetown University Center to Tap Rain Water Resource

New research center is going for a Silver LEED rating and will use LT Technologies' systems to help achieve it.

East Valley Water District Removes Uranium from Groundwater Well

Envirogen Technologies helps a California supplier treat contamination and bring decommissioned well back online.

Tampa Bay Water Needs Designer to Renovate Reservoir

The water wholesaler is inviting design-build entities to submit qualifications.

Response to BP Spill Continues to Grow as Companies Pitch In

Dredging equipment, vacuums, and imaging equipment are working to help restore the Gulf of Mexico's beaches and other inland areas.

DuPont Pays $59,000 Penalty for Mercury Discharges at Polymer Plant

EPA said E.I DuPont de Nemours and Company exceeded its NPDES permit for mercury for eight months.

Dallas Law Firm Cautions Spill Workers about Benzene Exposure

Baron & Budd attorney says Gulf of Mexico cleanup workers should be monitored or warned about the health hazards.

EPA Analysis Finds American Power Act Strategy Affordable, EDF Says

The agency estimates that households will pay between $79 to $149 per year to further clean energy development.

EPA Checks Science on 4 Chemical Assessments

National Toxicology Program reviews Ramazzini Institute studies and suggests further pathology reviews are needed to resolve differences of opinion.

Oil Estimates Rise; Navy, Private Companies Stay on the Job

Between 35,000 and 60,000 barrels of oil per day may be leaking from the BP oil well in the Gulf of Mexico.

U.S. Conference of Mayors Adopts Producer Responsibility Resolution

Mayors from California, Washington, Massachusetts, Arkansas, and Texas signed the resolution.

New Brunswick Landfill Executes GHG Reduction Credits

Fredericton Region Solid Waste Commission has registered VER+ offset credits, which allows the organization to sell verified greenhouse gas emission credits.

USGS Measures High Water Marks of Flash Flood in Arkansas

Data from the study will be fed into hydraulic models and ultimately will help authorities make informed decisions about water uses.

AWWA and ASME-ITI to Release RAMCAP Method July 1

The new ANSI standard (J100) for managing risk and resilience is expected to strengthen decision making at water facilities.

Agency Identifies Lead Nonattainment Areas in 12 States

States and the public may comment on EPA's plans until Aug. 16.

EPA Clamps Down on Stormwater Dischargers in Southeast

The agency issued administrative orders to road and property development construction entities in Alabama, Kentucky, Mississippi, North Carolina and Tennessee.

TCEQ Asks for Judicial Review of EPA's Rule Disapproval

The Texas environmental agency said it has been using the Qualified Facilities Rule since 1996.